#!/bin/bash # set monitor mode set -m # install these versions of perl for p in perl-5.6.2 perl-5.8.9 perl-5.10.1 perl-5.12.4 perl-5.14.2 perl-5.15.9 do for t in 1 2 do for s in 1 2 do # set up our build options name=$p opt="-U uselargefiles -D optimize=-O2" if [ $t -eq 2 ]; then opt="$opt -D usethreads" name="threaded-$name" fi if [ $s -eq 2 ]; then opt="$opt -D use64bitall" name="$name-64bit" fi echo "name $name : opt $opt" perlbrew install -j 9 $p $opt --as=$name & # background perlbrew temporarily # wait for the build log to appear while [ ! -f ~/perl5/perlbrew/build.log ] do sleep 2 done # tell tmux window 4 to tail the build log tmux send-keys -t 4 tail\ -f\ ~/perl5/perlbrew/build.log C-m # bring perlbrew back to the foreground fg # tell tmux window 4 to stop tailing tmux send-keys -t 4 C-c # move the build log out of the way so we can view it later mv ~/perl5/perlbrew/build.log ~/perl5/perlbrew/build-$name.log done done done