

  • Commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example
    Wonderful. I am looking for Mojolicious Application Example to understand it. This is so helpful :) Thanks to aristotle for his very very valuable points for a new bie....
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  • Henryk Paluch commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example


    For Unicode support there are few fixes needed:


    use Encode;
    plugin Charset => {charset => 'utf-8'};

    modify / method to:

    any '/' => sub {
      my $self = shift;
      my $rows = $self->select;
      # convert utf-8 octets -> unicode
      for my $Item ( @{ $rows } ){
          map { $_ = decode('utf-8',$_) } @{ $Item };
      $self->stash( rows => $rows );

    Best regards

     —Henryk Paluch

  • gflynn commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example

    Before I ask a question, let me say thank you for all the examples and explanations (I see your name frequently).

    I have gotten a handle on the fundamentals of Mojolicious. The one thing I can not find any information on is, creating a schema from and existing MS SQL database then connecting.

    Everything I read is SQLite or any other version beside MS SQL. I’m starting to wonder if it’s similar to Corona SDK in that you create a sql database to store information, then push that data to your server DB.

    If anyone else has any experience or information PLEASE…

  • Joel Berger commented on A Simple Mojolicious/DBI Example

    Before I answer, let me just say that commenting on an ancient post is unlikely to get great responses mostly because the visibility is so low. I only happened to notice because it was on the posting comment dashboard which I rarely look at. In the future, come talk with us

    To your actual question. I think very few of us use MS SQL, mostly just because most of us are on *nix. I think were I you, I’d look for tools like sqitch etc which are intentionally mu…

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