

  • About: I read about Perl.
  • Commented on Why I recommend using the "++" system of Metacpan
    Interesting topic. We use ~100 CPAN modules for our closed source application and nobody has a clue. It would be beneficial to report usage and give authors some appreciation of the scale of usage. We have a full list of...
  • Commented on The Hot New Language Named Rakudo
    Excellent idea zoffix. Because Perl 6 contains the word 'Perl', most dev simply refuse to look at it due to association with Perl 5. It is not cool or modern. Rakudo sounds good as well, which should help its marketing....
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  • faraco commented on The Hot New Language Named Rakudo

    The Rakudo Programming Language sounds great.

  • Ben Bullock commented on Why I recommend using the "++" system of Metacpan

    > We use ~100 CPAN modules for our closed source application and nobody has a clue.

    Yup. I'm using many people's modules which the maintainers of the modules don't have a clue about. The Encode::Detective experience taught me that sometimes people might even be using something I thought of as an experiment. Sometimes I have had the odd experience of sending a bug report to a maintainer of something and they don't respond at all or they think it's not important, whereas it's actually something causing a crippling fault in a running system. Or sometimes they have added "playful" or "am…

  • faraco commented on Why I recommend using the "++" system of Metacpan

    I wholeheartedly agree with this post.

  • Buddy Burden commented on Why I recommend using the "++" system of Metacpan

    Well said. I've gone and ++'ed all the modules I regularly install on every new Perl installation I create. Thanks for the reminder.

  • aseric commented on The Hot New Language Named Rakudo

    There is no doubt the "Wall" in front of Perl 5 should be removed so it can proceed.

    My two points:

    1) For Perl
    Remember Java 1.5 was marketed as Java 5 and it was easier to proceed from there on.
    Similary Perl 6 can be skipped for Perl.

    Perl has been in Perl 5 for very long time. The next major version should be released as Perl 7 which will give a fresh beginning and surely every perl programmer will leap in joy. (Perl 6 can be skipped similar to Java which skipped 3 and 4)

    Language Name: …

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