

  • About: I am new in these parts and I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jake and I'm from Spain. I am passionate about programming, but I do not do it professionally, but I am self-taught. Perl has been the first programming language that I have learned, that is why I have a special affection for it. I love its syntax and being able to use it freely in my day to day. It seems to me a very powerful language that has become more important since I left the Windows operating system and moved to the GNU/Linux universe. Now everything flows better. I also love the systems administration tasks, which I introduced with tutorials from in the world of web servers and from there I made the leap to more complex software.
  • Posted Decoding gzinflate(base64_decode()) with Perl to Jakeoff

    I must admit that I love Perl, but sometimes it forces me to go through the documentation to get what I need. In this case, I will try to summarize how I managed to decode the text string 80jNyclXKM8vykkBAA== , which I found in a PHP file in a code with the nested…

  • Commented on poor man's cfv/cksfv (CRC checksum)
    The last command is very interesting for calculate CRC of big files with one Perl line. But if you are runing Linux, why not simply use the cksum tool directly from the console....
  • Commented on I wrote a Perl book
    Do you accept translations? I'm interested into translate it to spanish....
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