
  • Commented on FASTA splitter
    If BioPerl6 becomes a thing, I won't mind at all :)...
  • Commented on The sad story of pseudohash criticism
    Maybe someday the extent of your feigned respect will even go so far that you'll bother to spell his fucking name right....
  • Commented on Inline::C optimizations
    I'd go even a step further on the pure-perl route. Lose the state machine, lose "ord", lose the conditional. Build a table of codes and what they generate, and put it in a hash. Do my $codes_regex = join '|',...
  • Commented on Grepping exact values
    Combinining Nilson's and Sawyer's observations: if you're only testing for existence of a fixed string or number -- there's no need to return the values, since you already know what they are, and it's only rarely that you're looking for...
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  • Ken Youens-Clark commented on FASTA splitter

    BioPerl6 is a thing and a very good thing it is ( Sorry, I should have mentioned that I could have used their FASTA parser. Here I wanted to present a self-contained script for purposes of exploring just a couple of ideas.

  • Pawel bbkr Pabian commented on FASTA splitter

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I've learned about $*SPEC from your post :)

    I'm not FASTA expert, but my approach would be to use ">" as input separator instead of "\n". And then simply push 100 lines (=sequences) into each file through rotor:

    # beware first empty element
    writer($_) for $fasta.IO.lines( nl-in => '>').[1..*].rotor(100, :partial);

    sub writer (@seqs) {
    # restore sequence start character
    $out.print('>', $_); for $seqs;

    Of course TIMTOWTDI, however - from my experience - delimiter approach is waaa…

  • Pawel bbkr Pabian commented on FASTA splitter

    My mistake, should be:

    $out.print('>', $_); for @seqs;

  • Ken Youens-Clark commented on FASTA splitter

    Sorry, there's a bug in there in that I didn't re-incorporate the newlines from the original sequences. How embarrassing. Here's a corrected version:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl6

    sub MAIN (
    Str :$fasta! where *.IO.f,
    Int :$number=100,
    Str :$out-dir=$*PROGRAM.IO.d
    ) {
    mkdir $out-dir unless $out-dir.IO.d;

    my $ext = $fasta.IO.extension;
    my $basename = $fasta.IO.basename;
    $basename ~~ s/\.$ext$//;

    sub writer (@seqs) {
    state $fnum = 0;
    my $fname = $*SPEC.catfile(

  • Ken Youens-Clark commented on FASTA splitter

    Nice use of "rotor" and "nl-in" to shorten up the code, Pawel! Here's a new version that I like much better using those ideas:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl6

    sub MAIN (
    Str :$fasta! where *.IO.f,
    Int :$number=100,
    Str :$out-dir=$*PROGRAM.IO.d
    ) {
    mkdir $out-dir unless $out-dir.IO.d;

    my $ext = $fasta.IO.extension;
    (my $base = $fasta.IO.basename) ~~ s/\.$ext$//;
    my $fh = open $fasta, :r, nl-in => '>';
    my $fnum = 0;

    for $fh.lines.[1..*].rotor($number, :partial) -> @seqs {

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