
Vincent Caron

  • About: Yet another Perl hacker.
  • Commented on Perl and Me, Part 5: Speaking with the speech of coders
    Thanks for this great post series. It makes me realize why I love Perl although I remember I had such a hard time to learn it at first (programming CGI's back in '98). And why other languages feel a bit...
  • Commented on how I learned to plot a mandelbrot set
    Mandelbrot is a cool example, I've been found about fractals for more than 20 years... This year, while giving a Perl course to my students, I demo'ed a Mandelbrot sample with SDL (10 minutes). Then sped it up by rewriting...
  • Commented on Why you don't need File::Slurp…
    There's a flaw IMHO, read() may not return the whole file content (and actually it won't with large files), depends on OS buffering. The usual boilerplate includes a while() and buffer concatenation. With a small fix that could still be...
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