
Mark Jensen

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  • Ether commented on Writing the Perl I Want to See in Others

    Also check out the reports at

    And when you're up to it, consider competing on :)

  • sidd.basu commented on Writing the Perl I Want to See in Others

    Agree with your sentiment about perl in bioinformatics. Also, really appreciate your contribution to BioPerl project.

  • Yuki Kimoto commented on I translate "Modern Perl Writing Style" to English

    >You should add a section on using Perl::Critic and its script, perlcritic. This will tell you everything about a Perl script or module that is not compatible with PBP.

    I like PBP. but I don't like some of these. In my opinion, PBP is a little tight compared with current Perl trend.

    And PBP is too long for beginners to read when they start Perl programming. I wanted to provide short topic for beginners.

    >If you use the three argument open, you can use an array for the command of a pipe. This will bypass the shell interpretation of the command:

    In my opinion, p…

  • Yuki Kimoto commented on I translate "Modern Perl Writing Style" to English

    >I would never ever recommend anyone, *especially* beginners, to use $@ directly.

    $@ is not bad. I always use $@, but I never have big troubles. People likely to deny $@, but $@ is not bad.

  • Yuki Kimoto commented on I translate "Modern Perl Writing Style" to English

    >eval { ... }; if($@) { ... }

    This is correct syntax.

    eval {

    if ($@) {


    If eval is nested , $@ is maybe cleared, but you can save $@ to lexical variable when $@ is overwritten. This is edge case. Usually, $@ work well.

    Try::Tiny big problem is that we use return function transparently.

    I will recommend try { } catch { } syntax if this syntax is added to Perl core.

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