
  • Commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work
    > I don't think you understand what brian is demonstrating is not obvious based on just what the documentation you quoted says. Most people do not automatically think of using multiple ^ anchors to match subsequent lines. Sure, but it...
  • Commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work
    It seems that a lot of people just uses regex modifier without even knowing what they meant. You use "/xmg" as a modifier. The /m modifier means: From the perlre documentation: > Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change...
  • Commented on Book Report - December 2014
    Sid Burn: You didn't really need any module at all to explain classes. I would say, someone only has really understand object-orientation if he knew how to code OO in an imperative or functional style. And that is the most...
  • Commented on Are Abilities Roles?
    To answer your first question if Ability should be a role. No it shouldn't. Just having an Ability class is fine. Another point, you said a ability where you can't change the name is of no use. Why? In whatever...
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  • Davs commented on Are Abilities Roles?

    Wow, really good comment about roles vs inheritance!

  • A. Sinan Unur commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work

    I don't think you understand what brian is demonstrating is not obvious based on just what the documentation you quoted says. Most people do not automatically think of using multiple ^ anchors to match subsequent lines.

    The ^ and $ anchors are generally used as in the simplified example of:

    my @matches = $string =~ m/
    	^ This\ is\ (\S.+) $

    with brian's example will result in:

    Matches are line one a cat a dog a bird

    which corresponds to your "So sure, it does work on multiple lines."

    brian uses the two ^

  • A. Sinan Unur commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work

    I messed up the pattern in my example (too early here), but the point still holds:

    my @matches = $string =~ m/
    	^This\ is\ a\ (\S+)

    will print

    Matches are cat dog bird

    as opposed to brian's example which only matches in case of two subsequent lines that match the pattern.

  • A. Sinan Unur commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work

    We are in agreement. Just note that any programming language has a bazillion details. No one can remember everything, and the subsets people can constantly keep in their heads vary across time and people.

    It so happens that I frequently doubt my memory and/or understanding of various details of a specific language. In those cases, just trying out alternatives, and seeing what they do is a great way to remember the detail for the next time.

  • Aristotle commented on Huh. Multiple beginning-of-line anchors work

    I would have been surprised if it didn’t work that way.

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