
  • Commented on Crowdsourcing self-confidence
    Hi Peter, I'm neither contributor nor user of DBIx::Class, but as an attentive observer, I always wondered how such a big and complex piece of software could evolve in a consistent way under the collective hands of many people with...
  • Commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl
    @autarch : I agree that the way to express "where" clauses in SQL::Abstract is horrid; but this comes mostly from the fact that it uses positional parameters instead of named parameters (so you get all those empty hashrefs or arrayrefs...
  • Commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl
    Hi Ross, Thanks for this very kind article on DBIDM; I'm delighted to find out that you are so happy with it. One additional point that you did not mention (and was actually one of the main reason why I...
  • Commented on A good reason not to version submodules.
    In some of my modules I used the following technique : import the main distribution module, and copy the distrib. number. use My::Main::Module; our $VERSION=$My::Main::Module::VERSION;...
  • Commented on mod_perl2 & Devel::NYTProf
    > Additionally, I don't really see Apache as a great partner for Perl But Perl is a great partner for Apache! With modperl you can hook perl handlers at any phase of the Apache HTTP lifecycle (access, authentication, authorization, input/output...
  • Commented on The ORM extension we need
    Have a look at DBIx::DataModel; your query would look more or less like this : $schema->join(qw/Order_items|oi orders cities salespeople|s/)->select( -columns => [qw/sum(oi.value)|total], -where => {city => 'London'}, -groupBy => [qw/], ) so you have about as much flexibility as...
  • Commented on Removing database abstraction
    The question pops up regularly. The 2006 discussion in Catalyst list collected a number of interesting points; see
  • Commented on Things I Can't Have
    Perltidy is a very nice and useful tool, but I would never want the formatting to be automated, because a) any formatting can be read equally easily as long as it is "reasonable". Of course there are some golden rules,...
  • Commented on Distributing applications via CPAN
    "What about web applications" ? For Pod::POM::Web (a web POD documentation browser), the whole application sits in a regular module distributed through CPAN as usual. Then to start the app, either you do a little bit of Apache config, or...
  • Commented on Benchmarking DBIx::Class v.s. plain DBI on Hailo
    If speed is an issue, you may find that DBIx::DataModel gives you better results. Row objects in DBIx::DataModel are just hashrefs, where you access columns directly (no Class::Accessor cost); this is quite similar to the HashRefInflator of DBIC, except that...
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  • Aristotle commented on A good reason not to version submodules.

    Distributions can be split or combined over their history. Most recently this happened to LWP. Because of this, you don’t want to depend on distributions, you want to depend on the specific modules you use and you want to depend on every single one of them, even if several of them are in the same distribution.

    F.ex., if you use HTML::Form and use LWP::UserAgent, then you should have listed both of them as dependencies, even though they both used to be in the libwww-perl distribution. If you did that, then the CPAN client would figure out that you …

  • commented on A good reason not to version submodules.

    I'm the author of both modules in question, thanks for the kicking. :)

    Initially I autogenerated Versions for all submodules via dzil. I didn't like all the diff-churn, so I thought I'd change it to only generate Version numvers for modules with POD (i.e. the modules with a public interface). However it was obviously unwise to switch this for existing distributions. I will shortly push new releases of these distributions with all the submodule Versions restored.

    I'm still on the fence regarding submodule Versions, since I don't like all the diff-churn,…

  • Alberto Simões commented on A good reason not to version submodules.

    Jonathan, thanks for the quick fix. I confess I didn't notice you're the author of both modules. Probably if I noticed I poke you directly :-/ So, sorry for the public poke. And thank you for the quick fix :)

  • commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl

    @Peter: I think the complexity is just the whole conceptual framework that comes with DBIC, in particular the whole resultset and chaining bit.

    This isn't like other Perl ORMs and it's not like SQL either. I think that it's like C#'s Linq but I'm not aware of many other tools that do this (and it doesn't have Linq's quite nice syntax).

    Then add in the absolutely *horrid* API provided by SQL::Abstract for where clause construction and it's even more to learn.

    Note that despite my hate for SQL::Abstract I like the rest of DBIC. I'd love to see DBIC::Linq or something so…

  • Peter Rabbitson commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl


    Please consider tracking the progress and hopefully participating in this new development:

    As far as the "horrid SQLA API" - eventually DBIC will accept other horrid APIs, including that of Fey. Ideally it will happen transparently, so that resultset constructors will understand all of the dialects. Work on this is very very very alpha at the moment, and there is…

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