
Mark Senn

  • Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2
    I wonder if an input of "0" should produce an output of "0". I wonder if "--05" is a positive number....
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  • Aristotle commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2
    Maybe it's been copied into both BODY and EXTENDED tabs?

    That’s exactly what happened.

  • Aristotle commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2
    And yes, the contents of the post is repeated twice, but I don't know what to do about it: in the edit window, it appears only once.

    An article consists of the content of the BODY tab followed by the content of the EXTENDED tab. You have the same text pasted into each, so the article consists of the same text twice.

    The use for BODY vs EXTENDED is to allow you to write a short intro/teaser to the full article for list views such as your blog frontpage: only the BODY text is displayed in list views. If you have text in the EXTENDED tab, it causes a Keep Readi…

  • laurent_r commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2

    Thank you both, E. Choroba and Aristotle, for you help. That was it: I had the same text in the body and the extended tab. I removed the text from the extended tab and it seems OK now.

  • laurent_r commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2

    Hi Mark, thank you for your comment.

    > I wonder if an input of "0" should produce an output of "0".

    Yes, I think that an input of 0 (for the number to be converted) should produce an output of 0, irrespective of the base (well, so long as the base is valid), because 0 converted to any base is still 0.

    > I wonder if "--05" is a positive number.

    That does not seem to work, because both Perl 5 and Perl 6 apparently consider that "--5" isn't a valid number.

  • Grinnz commented on Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 2

    You have to space the syntax so that it does not interpret it as the pre-decrement operator, such as "- -5" or "-(-5)". I am not sure if you'd still consider that part of the number.

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