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  • Steven Haryanto commented on Things we don't have #1

    Somebody reminded me about Inline::Python (and similar Inline::* modules), so to some extent we can "have" those things that we don't have :) Will be trying out I::Py on some Python extensions. Thanks.

  • prakash commented on Things we don't have #1

    From what I see, byobu seems to be a wrapper for GNU screen (and, in recent versions, tmux too). It is not a replacement for either (in fact the ubuntu byobu package depends on either one of them.)

  • Joe McMahon commented on A-tisket a-tasket a little perl hash basket

    I agree with Toby on this one: if you're checking the scalar value of a hash, it's almost guaranteed to keep changing. Better to test for a "reasonable" value - \d+/\d+ - instead of a specific one.

  • Sid Burn commented on The map/grep/sort dead end

    Thanks. I never looked in the Mojo::* namespace because i primarly used Catalyst and didn't even expect that something like that would be in Mojo::*. At least it helps to make it better readable. A Lamba Syntax is just an addition. You can also define anonymous functions in C# with delegate(){...}. I also would like to see something like this in Perl. It doesn't mean that the syntax for anonymous subroutines will be replaced, it is just another way to write them.

    Instead of

    $collection->map(sub { ucfirst })->shuffle->each(sub {
    my ($word, $count) = @_;

  • Sid Burn commented on The map/grep/sort dead end

    Three of the modules you mentioned aren't even usable, are still in the concept phase, or just provide a wrapper around Iterators but not really compareable to something like LINQ in C#.

    Data::CapabilityBased is just an idea how it could look like and didn't even have any code.

    The only thing that really looks promising and comes close to LINQ in C# is List::Gen with List::Gen::Lazy. When i am coding again in Perl i will test it out, thanks for the tip.

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