Results matching “D&D”

And here we go!

Gee has it really been nearly a year since my last post I must be getting very lazy in my old age.

Well I do have something to blog about these days besides new modules and unused D&D code. Lets start off with a little background:

It all started back in 1998 or was it 99?? I was working with a really good JAVA team at the time, yes I know sacrilege. We created a number very good and well selling products for a suite of SIP servers, as a matter of fact I am still getting royalty checks after nearly 20 …

Well why not All

So no MooseX or AD&D post tonight as I go sidetracked on anotehr project but at least I did manage to get one post out of it and finally found out how to do something in Perl I have been wanting to do for years.

You see I came back to Perl after a number of years playing with Java and JSPs, I was happy with JSP and Java there where some annoying things (hard to manipulate text) and some very good things, strong OO. In my move back to Perl some 10 years after last playing with in (early 90s) I regret leaving Java that much but there was always always one thing I missed from that world…

You Can't Get there From Here

My last few posts you may of noticed I have been using Moose with a more professional end in mind rather than my usual playing about with AD&D so I figured I might as well keep going on with it a bit as these are real world (well at least my world) situations rather than contrived gaming stuff. As well my latest round of work is a great source of posts.

Well on the platter today is 'MooseX::AuthorizedMethods' char broiled au jus wit…

Over Stuffed Moose

Sometimes being both newbie and a keener can be a dangerous combination. Well today I sort of fell into that trap.

Well I started doing the first refactoring of my Moose classes (not for AD&D this time this is some real world code) I was working with. So I wanted to move all the common bits into a single role then create a few 'base' classes that comsume that base roles and add some other sutff. Finally I was going to 'extend' these classes with some default values and then polish them by adding a few roles to customize the end product.

So like this


One more little Moose Trick

Well had another good day with Moose as I solved a little problem I was having when trying to write a serializer for my AD&D Character class.

Well the gist of it is I was starting to set up a little JSON web service nothing fancy just give the current character values when requested. Of course creating JSON is easy just express what you want as a hash ref and then use good old JSON::to_json to make it into a JSON string.

Well that was simple enough but then I ran into the prob…

Well it is worth the wait?

Well being out here in off-line land I took some time to work on formating some YAML files for my ongoing AD&D game. Well I was ok until I had to parse some things. Usually I just lay with my good old online YAML parser but I was finding it a bit trying what with the slow speed and late hour.

Then I remembered that some time ago I had used such a thing with Padre and sure enough after about 5 mins searching on Map of CPAN I ran into Padre::Plugin::YAML So I decided to gi…

Gluu fer the Wëëbb Part 1

Having been a fan of Mojolicious for a few years it is only reasonable that I pick it as the platform but this time instead of going with my usual default layout and architecture I wanted to give the Toto plugin a whirl.

This plug-in provides a bootstrap flavoured navigation framework. So you can get a nav bar running across the top one, a side bar for and a row a and also a row of tabs underneath each side bar.

Well out of the box w…

A Little more Testing of the waters

Still exploring the MooseX name-space these days and today I was going to have a look at 'MooseX::YAML' as that was the format I was saving my AD&D data in it (for the time being) I thought it might be a good fit to load things up faster or at least save me some code in writing a YAML parse role.

So I started out with a little YAML to test

use MooseX::YAML;

my $dwarf_yaml = <<YAML;
- Fighter:8
dexterity: 15
constitution: 16

My Master Voice

One part of AD&D that I allays loved and why I played it for so long was its story telling nature. I can't tell you how many reams of paper myself and the rest of us players and DMs produced in our epic mutil-year game, Still have a few stuffed upstairs in the attice where they where shoved after life caught up with me and my cohorts and the joys or, wives, husband, jobs, houses and kids overtook our game.

It was the 'in-character' and 'NPC' conversions that where always best as some of my fellow players where very good at it. One player what an expert at imitating a ranting nut b…

Still Plinking Away, The End Game

Well it is time to make a choice! I started with three and took another good look at was available in the MooseX space on CPAN today and didn't see anything else that I think would do what I want. Though I was quite interested in Moose::Templated until I figured out it was a template system for rendering content utilizing roles rather that what I was looking for a template system to create roles and classes.

Anyway back to my choic…

Still Plinking Away, Part the First

So of you might remember this post some weeks ago where I came up with a huge org-chart of all the different roles they I thought i would need for may AD&D characters.

Well I was just now getting into the actual instantiation of characters and having them do something well I ran into a number of differing choices that I sort of discussed here on this post. I found that the visitor pattern worked very wel…

One Moose, Many Mooses, or is that Mise?

Now that I am getting into the game play part of AD&D I am finding there are more and more times where I want to keep a record of some attribute not just a running total.

For example after a successful encounter experience for monsters killed or defeated (making them run away is defeating them) and the value of all treasure taken in gold peices is summed and then split evenly across all party members, including henchmen and friendly NPC, who actively engaged in the encounter as Expreriance Points or EP for short.

Well a running tally for each player is needed, as well playe…

Well More Little Helpers

Had a power outage for most of the day today so just a short post carrying on from where my last post left off.

Again I figured I might as well add in a second function into my little mod this one parses a directory listing (very badly) and then prints out the English for it

I do not usually have much of a problem with file entries but I figure some people might be worse at it than me so here goes.

So I exposed 'parse_file_listing' in my mod and here is a sample

use ParseCHMOD;


Roleing Along Like a Tumbling Tumbleweed

Well here is a little store from the trenches today that oddly enough does has something to do with Moose and roles.


You Can Have Your Moose and Eat it Too

It seems that my never ending story of AD&D Moose posts are coming to an end. I have a good bunch of code written and things are working quite well. I did run into a slight problem. If you remember this post where I was adding in the available classes seems I let a cheat get in there.


Zap that thing!

One of the really fun aspects playing D&D was the plethora of spells that where available to the various player characters. To a programmer they introduce a whole nightmare of very vague rules that have to be implements some-how hopefully without an endless chain of it thens, given whens or, God help us, gotos or even gosub (yikes any one remember Applesoft BASIC basic?)


A Moose at the Door


Getting Cocky With Moose


In my last AD&D p…

Ok No is not Moose

A many readers of this blog know I have been spending a good deal of time lately playing about with Moose doing all sorts of silly little things with AD&D character creation and alike.

Well I was curious today and started to take apart a little bit of Moose and see what was under the hood so to speak. So far I have discover that all the nice Moose sugar are really just function calls and since some programming I was doing today requires me to use 'no Moose', he much preferred 'namespace::autoclean;' not being install on the box I was playing with yet.

So I started to look in …

Once more unto the breach

It has been a few post since my last full Moose and AD&D post so I though I would get at least one more rule into my 'Creator' Class now that I have may Character Classes and races all sorted out.

This time we are going to look at Hit Points or HP for short.

A touchy subject, for many, as I am sure the black Knight has taken quite a few beyond normal and still fights on.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations