Results matching “PAWS”

Paws anyone?

Gee almost a year since my lat post. I better start posting again or Mohammad will catch up with me ;).

Been quite a year for every one on this big blue marble. I hope you are all good.

Ok here is the very short post for today.

I just did my first build and upload of PAWS to CPAN

Expect Version 0.43 to be up there later today some time.

It was a bit of an epic on my part as this whole releasing thingy, made some real bad goofs (deleting then checking in a folder), thank g…

Paging for Fun and Profit

Paging PAWS for fun an profit

Egad have been away for a while, it is not due to laziness on my part, I really have been stuck on a Paws problem over the past month+, add to that dozens of inside and out sided projects that I need to get done around the house time has just not been there.

At least I have finally cracked it.

I really went down a rabbit hole for this one and spend way too many hours trying to figure out how to test 'Paws Pagination' end to end.

In my last post I started out with a new test suite '30_pagination.t' and a few test YAMLs. …

Back to Paws

It has been a little while since I played with my little PAWS and yes like many of us these days I have been just a little distracted, trip planned, trip changed, trip canceled etc etc etc.

Anyway to recap where I left off I was just getting the 'SubscribeToShard' action to work with a HTTP stream to work, after a fashion anyway. Then I got side tracked a little playing about with the problem of testing if the stream was correctly sending data down the pipe and if I was decoding it correctly.

As a byproduct of getting to the bottom of that I finally figured out what the PAWS …

No Paws in this post (well maybe a litte)

Well back to the PAWs game again. This is one group of actions that has really got me distracted.

In my last post I manged to get 'SubscribeToShard' to work with my stream decoder though it is really just beta code for now. What first go me distracted was reading along in the Amazon doc I saw a bit about streaming an audio file.

Well the last time I worked on this sort of stream was in the dieing days of the last century??

This got me thinking and I went downstairs and dusted off my good old 2201 and fired it up thi…

PAWS Almost

I think in my last post I said this is going to be a very short series well I think I am wrong on that count.

When I last posted on the Kinesis 'SubscribeToShard' action I discovered that it is returning a 'application/' and that lead me down a very deep rabbit hole that got me well sidetracked.

Well to start out I had to figure out what AWS was returning when it was sending 'vnd.amason.eventstream' I eventually found that here Event Stream Encoding

Egad not more PAWs posts :(

Well back on my PAWS run again. This one might be a rather short series as I am really just looking at one Action in the Kinesis API 'SubscribeToShard'. There is an open bug for this one up on github and one I think I can fix up fairly eaisy.

First things first, a little word on Kinesis. Well in short it touted as a very scalable real time data-stream thingy that sings dances and basically makes you line much better. Myself I do not havea use for it but it is part of the system and there is a bug so in I go.

I first had to set…

Paws L (A little party planned)

Well it looks like a wrap for PAWS XML as the last thing I am working on is getting the test suite to pass

Looking at S3 I have only 1 error with the 09_requestst.t test suite;

ok 829 - Call S3->SelectObjectContent from t/09_requests/s3-select-object-content.request
not ok 830 - Got content eq from request
# Failed test 'Got content eq from request'
# at t/09_requests.t line 123.
# got: '<SelectObjectContentRequest xmlns=""><InputSerialization><CompressionType>NONE</Co…

Paws XXXXIX (Very Close)

Finally things were looking my way. I plowed thought the remaining CloudFront actions and got them all to work without any more changes to Paws.

In the end I checked in 30+ new tests cases and over 2k of tests the other day. So I can safely say that 'CloudFront' is fully operational.

That leaves only 'Route53' to look and for me this is somewhat problematic. The Route53 api deals with 'Domains', 'Checks', 'Hosts', 'Traffic' and such. To test 90% of the actions in this API you will need

  1. Have at least one registered DNS domains to start
  2. Know how…

Paws XXXXVIII (Way too many 'I' s)

Well I think it is a first here in the Paws patrol. I spent the day plunging away with CloudFront and I have no new Paws issues but I did learn and important practical lesson about using CloudFront.

I got stuck on the 'UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity' call.

It seemed simple enough

    CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig => {
        CallerReference => 'Some text here',
        Comment         => 'Mr Pooppy buthole did this',
  Id=> 'E3D5Y5RWA05QO1',

Paws XXXXVII (What about the tests????)

I decided I might as well get busy with CloudFront and at least get most of my real world scripts written.

At the moment I am getting 400 errors such as 'InvalidArgument' or 'InvalidOrigin' on the Delete and Create actions as I do not have the proper config on the AWS end for the Creates and for the Deletes as I do not have anything on my AWS account to delete.

Reading though the API documentation is seems there is quite the procedure to actually do some of the actions, for example to invoke the DeleteStreamingDistribution action you have to follow a six pre-steps all …

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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations