Who you gonna call? Perl client and website for Google Civic Information API

I recently became aware of a very cool service provided by the Google. The Civic Information API provides contact information for all elected representatives (from head of state down to municipal official) for any US address.

I wrote the Perl client for the API, published as Net::Google::CivicInformation. Get a free API token and you're up and running.

This was a satisfying project because I can imagine people finding actual value in the product. I'm all for being vocal with our government! I decided to take it a step further and created a webservice interfacing to the API. It's written in Dancer2 and the source code is on Github (at the urging of ++GabSzab who pointed out that there are few examples of Dancer2 apps for developers to study.)

The site is online now at https://contactmyreps.com. Please give it a try. Feedback welcome!


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