October 2010 Archives

"Works for me!"

For some time that on different situations I have heard programmers answer and close bug reports with a "Works for me!" sentence.

I think that kind of answer is from somebody that doesn't want to bother asking for details on what is going on, and making his/her software better. When a programmer answers this, why is he or she making his code available? Or, if he or she is making the code available `as is', why they create a project page and the ability to submit bug reports? Also, if it works for you and you are not interested why that piece of code is not working elsewhere, I can't u…

Testing on demand on IRIX

I have this module that is failing tests on IRIX only. I do not have any knowledge of IRIX, I do not own an IRIX machine, and I do not want to create new releases of the module printing debug information on tests, so that I can analyze what is going on. This would be kind of tiresome. I needed to create a new release, upload to CPAN and wait for it to be picked by those specific CPAN testers that own an IRIX platform.

About Alberto Simões

user-pic I blog about Perl. D'uh!