TPF Archives

The Perl Foundation Grants

As you might know, TPF awards grants to some people, for some tasks. There are some huge grants, like Nicholas Clark's grant or Dave Mitchell's grant on Perl 5. Unfortunately not all of us have the time and/or the knowledge to help in such low level tasks. Nevertheless, TPF has a grant committee that awards small grants (ranging from $500 to $2000) for smaller tasks. Some examples include documentation writing or tests writing for some relevant module, the implementation of some service in the web, the development of a specific module, etc.

Note that if you have a project in mind and …

2011Q4: Call for Grant Proposals

TPF just opened a call for grant proposals. See details here:

TPF Grants

To be an institution, or to represent an institution, is not a simple task. Namely, I represent The Perl Foundation (TPF), and specifically, I represent TPF Grants Committee (GC).

We, at TPF GC, receive quartely grant proposals on Perl, to be funded by TPF. We can't fund all (and we do not want to fund all). So, they are posted publicly for community discussion and are voted by the GC. We try to have in consideration the relevance of the grant to the Perl community (taking into account community comments), the grant proposal clearness (if it is clean, probably the proposer knows how t…

About Alberto Simões

user-pic I blog about Perl. D'uh!