September 2012 Archives

Quote of the day

Chip Salzenberg:

According to John P. Linderman:

Barring some sort of formal definitions, the C code determines the language (pretty much what happened to trigger this whole thread) rather than the language determining the parser, and that just seems wrong.

WRT Perl 5, I’m afraid that horse is not only out of the barn, but has wandered off the ranch, joined a wild herd, and sired several foals. update

I’ve uploaded a new version of the GreaseMonkey script I introduced in my last entry (to let you use for searching but with links to MetaCPAN in the search results).

This version is updated for GreaseMonkey 1.0, and also includes a small link at the top right of a search results page which links to the same search on MetaCPAN:

var query = document.querySelector('input[type=text]').value;
if (query) {
    document.querySelector('.t4 small').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',' <a id="goto-metacpan">&#x2192; MetaCPAN</a>');
    var link = document.getElementById('goto-metacpan');
    var href = '' + encodeURIComponent(query);
    link.href = href.replace(/%20/g,'+');'float','right');'padding-right','.4em');'color','inherit');

Easily installable from Share and enjoy.

About Aristotle

user-pic Waxing philosophical