Every Day Is Exactly The Same

Recently Mark Keating of the Enlightened Perl Organisation created a new Google Calendar for Perl community events, particularly for Perl Monger group meetings. As I haven't been updating the other calendars I have access to for some time, it gave me the push needed to clean-up my script, and post all the forthcoming events to the calendars.

I've now updated the Birmingham.pm events page, to display the new calendar, as well as the West Midlands Tech Events calendar.

If you have access to any similar calendars, you can now update them with Perl (if you weren't already), with the aid of my helpful script. Feel free to use and abuse as you wish. Note that you will need to have a login to Google Calendars, and have access to the calendars you are submitting to.


If you would like access to this calendar because you run a Perl group or set of events and want them shared with the community then just send me your email address and I will add you. People I know wil be added as admin so they can add others.

Share and Enjoy.

Is this only for UK stuff? Or all?

If for all, I recall that brian d foy started something similar a while back, but I haven't heard about it recently. I hope that doesn't befall this calendar.

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About Barbie

user-pic Leader of Birmingham.pm and a CPAN author. Co-organised YAPC::Europe in 2006. Responsible for the YAPC Conference Surveys, helping to improve YAPCs every year. Also the current caretaker for the CPAN Testers websites and data stores. If you really want to find out more, buy me a Guinness. Just don't ask the obvious ... Grep has been for 10 years and is still no closer ;)Links: Memoirs of a Roadie Birmingham Perl Mongers CPAN Testers Reports YAPC Conference Surveys