"inf" doesn't work everywhere, apparently

I've just got this CPAN Testers report which says that my module Compress::Huffman had an error due to $minkey not being set to any value on line 176. Tracing this back, it seems to be due to the use of the word 'inf' on line 166, then this being not converted to infinity but to zero for some reason, and $minkey never getting set.

I don't remember where I got the idea to use 'inf' for infinity, but I'm switching over to the method given here of using 9**9**9 instead.

Incidentally, for those interested in the Huffman algorithm, $minkey here is the least probable key, and its probability is $min, which is set to the value of infinity at the start so that every key will have a lower value than it.

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About Ben Bullock

user-pic Perl user since about 2006, I have also released some CPAN modules.