JSON::Create now features indentation

In version 0.27 of JSON::Create I added a new indentation feature. This was added basically out of necessity. Originally the purpose of the module was sending short bits of JSON over the internet, but I've been using JSON more and more for processing data too. I've spent quite a long time working on a web site for recognition of Chinese, and I've been using JSON more and more extensively. The basic data file for the web site is a 168 megabyte JSON file. Not indenting this kind of file makes for "interesting" problems if one accidentally opens it in an editor or on a terminal screen, a million characters all on one line tends to confuse the best-written text reading utilities. So after years of suffering the relief is tremendous, and now I have tab-based indentation in JSON::Create.

Originally I thought that I should make all kinds of customisable indentation possible, but then it occurred to me that basically any fool armed with a regular expression could easily alter the indentation however they want to. I put a simple example in the documentation.

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About Ben Bullock

user-pic Perl user since about 2006, I have also released some CPAN modules.