REST API with Mojolicious

Buidling an API with Mojolicious is fun. Below is an attempt at a very small REST API that outpus the time in JSON. There are several pieces:

  • Mojolicious::LIte App
  • App instructions route
  • Authentication
  • API routes
  • Instruction template

We start with a Mojolicious::Lite app that uses three routes and an under. The under is a significant piece, because we use that for the authentication. If the proper HTTP BASIC credentials are passed in, then we continue; if not, we get a error in JSON.

After the under, we have a couple routes that comprise our API. The first supports GET and POST, and will will output a string for the current time. The next one outputs an epoch for given the correct GET request.

use Mojolicious::Lite;

use Mojo::Util qw(secure_compare);

# App instructions
get '/' => qw(index);

# Authentication
under(sub {
    my $c = shift;

    # Have access
    return 1 if secure_compare(

    # Do not have access
    $c->render(json => 
        {status => "error", data => { message => "Credentials mis-match" }}
    return undef;

# Anything works, a long as it's GET and POST
any ['GET', 'POST'] => '/v1/time' => sub {
    shift->render(json => { now => scalar(localtime) });

# Just a GET request
get '/v1/epoch' => sub {
    shift->render(json => { now => time });

# Required


@@ index.html.ep


    $ curl -v -X GET --user 'user:523487063f1011e68442002500f18b6d' \
    $ curl -v -X POST --user 'user:523487063f1011e68442002500f18b6d' \
    $ curl -v -X GET --user 'user:523487063f1011e68442002500f18b6d' \
    $ curl -v -X POST --user 'user:523487063f1011e68442002500f18b6d' \

    All except the last should work.

1 Comment

This code falls short of REST; it is merely a (heavily coupled) HTTP and JSON API.

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About Brian Medley

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