More Baby Moose

Well just another post-ette day here in the Moose-pen

Just another quick post-ette today as I want to quickly add in a feature to the results class that will help end uses with de-bugging.

Presently the results class look like thin when it is dumped

$VAR1 = bless( {
'is_error' => 0,
'DAD' => 'Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI',
'query' => 'UPDATE people SET people.first_name = ?, people.last_name = ? WHERE ( people.first_name = ? AND people.last_name = ? )',
'operation' => 'UPDATE'
}, 'Database::Accessor::Result' );

useful info but it would also be nice to see what params are being used and if they are in the correct order; So a quick attribute add into the Database::Accessor::Result class;

++ has params => (
++ is => 'rw',
++ isa => 'ArrayRef|Undef',
++ );

and all I have to do in the Driver::DBI is;

++ $result->params([map({$_->value} @{$self->params} )]);
if $self->da_warning()>=1;

and now the result cl;ass has all the params I passed in. Suitable for debugging or testing but not for framing, wraping fish or lining bird cages;

$VAR1 = bless( {
'params' => [
'is_error' => 0,
'DAD' => 'Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI',
'query' => 'UPDATE people SET people.first_name = ?, people.last_name = ? WHERE ( people.first_name = ? AND people.last_name = ? )',
'operation' => 'UPDATE'
}, 'Database::Accessor::Result' );

Now add in four more tests, always a good thing;

ok($da->result()->query() eq "INSERT INTO people ( people.first_name, people.last_name ) VALUES( ?, ? )","create SQL correct");
[qw(Bill Bloggings)],
"create params in correct order"

[qw(test1 test2)],
"retrieve params in correct order"

[qw(Bill Bloggings test1 test2)],
"update params in correct order"

[qw(test1 test2)],
"delete params in correct order"

and now I have an even dozen tests all in a row that are all passing.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations