A Mature Mosoe

Its another quick test postette today in the Moose-Pne

So things are moving along now I just just going to finish off '57_dad_elements.t so it will be a short one today. Nothing much to Add I just have to add in dynamic link, gather, and sort.

Well sort should by the most easy one so I will do that one first; All I did was copy out the last (5th) item in the main hash and added it in like this;

expression => '+',
left => { name => 'salary', },
right => {
expression => '*',
left => { name => 'bonus', },
right => {
function => 'abs',
left => {
expression => '*',
left => {
name => 'bonus',
view => 'Other'
right => { name => 'bonus', }

Next a little re-factoring of the last four sort tests into a little loop

foreach my $i (4..5){
$elements->[4]->left->view eq 'People',
"Sort element index $i left inherits view"
$elements->[4]->right->left->view eq 'People',
"Sort element index $i right->left inherits view"
$elements->[4]->right->right->left->left->view eq 'Other',
"Sort element index $i right->right->left does not inherit view"
$elements->[4]->right->right->left->right->view eq 'People',
"Sort element index $i right->right->left->right inherits view"

and those tests where taken care of.

I did the same thing for Link whit this sort of iteration

$elements = $dad->links;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. 1 ) {
$elements->[$i]->conditions->[0]->predicates->left->view() eq 'People',
"Link index $i condition left inherit view"

finally gathers was a little special as it is a singleton attribute so I added in a new gather like this

elements => [ { name => 'user_id', } ],
condtions => {
condition => 'AND',
left => {
expression => '*',
left => { name => 'bonus', },
right => {
function => 'abs',
left => {
expression => '*',
left => {
name => 'bonus',
view => 'Other'
right => { name => 'bonus', }
right => { name => 'First_2', },
operator => '=',

and adjusted the test to this

$elements->elements->[0]->view() eq 'People',
'First Gather element inherits view'
$elements->elements->[1]->view() eq 'Other People',
'Second Gather element does not inherit view'
$elements->elements->[0]->view() eq 'People',
'First Gather element inherits view'
$elements->elements->[1]->view() eq 'Other People',
'Second Gather element does not inherit view'
$elements->elements->[2]->view() eq 'People',
'Third Gather element inherits view'
ok( $elements->conditions->[0]->predicates->left->view() eq 'People',
"Gather condition index 0 left inherit view" );
$elements->conditions->[1]->predicates->left->view() eq 'Not People',
"Gather condition index 1 left does not inherit view"
ok( $elements->conditions->[2]->predicates->left->left->view() eq 'People',
"Gather condition index 2 left->left inherits view" );
ok( $elements->conditions->[2]->predicates->left->right->left->left->view() eq 'Other',
"Gather condition index 2 left->right->left->left does not inherit view" );
$elements->conditions->[2]->predicates->left->right->left->right->view() eq
"Gather condition index 2 left->right->left->right does not inherit view"
$elements->conditions->[2]->predicates->right->view() eq
"Gather condition index 2 right inherits view"

and then I get a fail

ok 46 - Second Gather element does not inherit view
not ok 47 - Third Gather element inherits view

and a

Can't call method "predicates" on an undefined value at 57_dad_elements.t line 486.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 49.

so I looks like I have a little fix to to for tomorrow's postette;


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations