Baby Fancy Moose

Its get fancy day here in the Moose-Pen

Now that I have 'Functions' nicely working I am going to move on to the next logical field and that is an 'Expression'. In SQL (and 99.9% of other languages) an expression is just a predicate that can be evaluated. So an SQL like this

SELECT user.username, user.salary + 10 FROM users WHERE username='BOB'

In Database::Accessor I have an Expression class for this and it works 90% the same as the Function class I just finished. Thus this expression;

user.salary + 10

is expressed as the following attributes

| Attribute | Value |
| expression | + |
| left | user.salary |
| right | 10 |

in an Expression class and would look like this when used in a DA

{ expression => '+',
left => { name => 'salary' },
right => { param =>10} }, }

As 'Expression' works mostly the same as 'Function' all I really have to do is give the 'Expression' class the 'Element' role and extend the coverage of the 'check_view' sub to include an 'expression' class;

else {
if ((ref($element) ne "Database::Accessor::Function")
++ and
++ (ref($element) ne "Database::Accessor::Expresion"));

Then in Driver::DBI I just had to likewise extend the '_element_sql' sub;

if (ref($element) eq "Database::Accessor::Expression"){
my $left_sql = $self->_element_sql($element->left());
my @right_sql;
if (ref($element->right()) ne "Array"){
my $param = $element->right();
foreach my $param (@{$element->right()}){
my $right_sql = join(',',@right_sql);
return Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI::SQL::OPEN_PARENS
.join(" "

elsif (ref($element) eq "Database::Accessor::Function"){

and of course a new test;

$in_hash->{elements}->[1] = { expression => '+',
left => { name => 'salary' },
right => { param =>10} };

my $da = Database::Accessor->new($in_hash);
$da->retrieve( $utils->connect() );
$da->result()->query() eq
"SELECT user.username, user.salary + ?, user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?",
"Expression with 1 param binds SQL correct"
"Expression params correct"

and on my first run I get;

SELECT user.username, (.salary + ?), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?

for my SQL. That missing table/view again on '.salary' so my recursion in my 'check_view' sub is a little off. This one took about three minutes to find out all I had was a typo in the 'check_view' sub;

-- (ref($element) ne "Database::Accessor::Expresion"));
++ (ref($element) ne "Database::Accessor::Expression"));

and on the next test I get;

ok 1 - Expression with 1 param binds SQL correct
ok 2 - Expression params correct

Next a test for expression in an expression with this;

$in_hash->{elements}->[1] = { expression => '+',
left => { name => 'salary' },
right => { expression => '*',
left => { name => 'bonus' },
right => { param=>.05 }} };

and that passed with the expected SQL of

SELECT user.username, (user.salary + (user.bonus * ?)), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?

Now to get very fancy I am going to try a mix and match; A function with an expression say an SQL like this;

SELECT user.username, abs((user.bonus * ?)), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?

My in hash would be;

$in_hash->{elements}->[1] = { function => 'abs',
left => { expression => '*',
left => { name => 'bonus' },
right => { param=>-.05 }} };

I know off the top of my head I will have two problems; first the 'left' on a Comparator role only excepts 'Elements' and the 'right' is a 'Required' fields. So two quick changes to start;

use Moose::Role;
use MooseX::Aliases;
use namespace::autoclean;
has left => (
is => 'rw',
-- isa => 'Element|',
++ isa => 'Element|Param|Function|Expression|ArrayRefofParams|ArrayRefofElements|ArrayRefofExpressions',
required => 1,
coerce => 1,
has right => (
is => 'rw',
isa =>'Element|Param|Function|Expression|ArrayRefofParams|ArrayRefofElements|ArrayRefofExpressions',
-- required => 1,
coerce => 1,

and when I run it I get

Attribute (name) is required at D:\GitHub\database-accessor\lib/Database/Accessor/ line 100

Hmm that is a very tricky one to debug. One cannot do the old trick of adding

my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
warn("package=$package, filename=$filename, line $line");

above line 100 in the file, to see where the error orginates.

All that will come out of that is a walk up through the coercion methods in Types with ever more obtuse package, file and line values as you eventually get up into Moose Code where you will reach 'Moose::Base::Type' and then you can't go any further, unless you go into the source code of Moose.

Fortunately I knew this already, so I did not go down that path and I did find after a few well placed warns and the odd Dump I found this;

'left' => bless( {}, 'Database::Accessor::Param' ),
'function' => 'abs',
'close_parentheses' => 0,
'open_parentheses' => 0
}, 'Database::Accessor::Function' ),

The 'Function' class I was passing in had the left attribute as a Param not an Expression so there is some coercion funny business going on there, as the original error message suggested.

After some playing about I finally found it in the Types role; Seems this call;

coerce 'Param', from 'HashRef', via {
Database::Accessor::Param->new( %{$_} )

is not correct and it should be the more generic

coerce 'Param', from 'HashRef', via {
return _element_coerce($_);

to account for params that may be other types, After this small change I get the correct coercion;

bless( {
'left' => bless( {
'left' => bless( {
'name' => 'bonus'
}, 'Database::Accessor::Element' ),
'right' => bless( {
'value' => '-0.05'
}, 'Database::Accessor::Param' ),
'expression' => '*',
'close_parentheses' => 0,
'open_parentheses' => 0
}, 'Database::Accessor::Expression' ),
'function' => 'abs',
'close_parentheses' => 0,
'open_parentheses' => 0
}, 'Database::Accessor::Function' ),

but still the same error;

Attribute (name) is required at D:\GitHub\database-accessor\lib/Database/Accessor/ line 100

and some more debugging that led me to these lines

if (ref($element->right()) ne "Array"){
my $param = $element->right();

the problem is I did not take into account that now there may not be a 'right' value and that code above will add a blank '$param' and then the coercion will fail. So I changed my code to account for the empty 'right' case;

++ if ($element->right()){
if (ref($element->right()) ne "Array"){
my $param = $element->right();
foreach my $param (@{$element->right()}){
++ }

I ran my test again and my SQL was coming out;

SELECT user.username, abs((user.bonus * ?),), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?

that 'abs((user.bonus * ?),)' is a little funky so I corrected for that by the only empty comma trick;

++ my $comma = "";
if ($element->right()){
++ $comma = ",";
return $element->function
– .','
++ .$comma

and my test comes up perfect.

Well that is enough funky code for one day.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations