Moose Bug Test Fixer

A quick postette day may-by here in the Moose-Pen

Well I though I would have a very quick post here today, which is nice as I am still not 100%. I was going to re-run my test-suite end to end and you would think with only '

2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

in Database::Accessor there is not much that could go wrong.

First I had these annoying warings again;

Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /home/scolesj/databaselib/Database/ line 479.

After little poking about I seen that I had to include a check to see if indeed there is an alias on the view. I added in this patch;

                   if (($field->view) 
                    and ($field->view ne $self->view()->name() 
--                         and $field->view ne $self->view()->alias()));
++                         and ($self->view()->alias() and ($field->view ne $self->view()->alias()))));

and now I do not get that warning;

The next one was a little more problematic;

t/20_dad_load.t ............. 1/67
# Failed test 'Processed Container drops key!'
# at t/20_dad_load.t line 107.
# Comparing hash keys of $data
# Extra: 'dad_fiddle'

After a considerable time working on this bug, much more than should go into a simple test class I found my mistake; I simply was returning the @process_array vs the @return_container and this little patch cleaned that up;

    if ($in_hash_class){
--    return shift(@process_array);
++    return shift(@return_container);
--    return \@process_array;
++    return \@return_container;
After a checking an push on my part I did a pull and this was the result of that

 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
and on test I get this fail;

#   Failed test 'Container drops street and phone on create'
#   at t/50_create.t line 102.
so fix one break another

in the end that one was back at that alias code again and I had to change the logic ever so slightly

--                if (($field->view) 
--                  and ($field->view ne $self->view()->name() 
--                       and ($self->view()->alias() and ($field->view ne $self->view()->alias()))));
++                 if ((($field->view) 
++                  and ($field->view ne $self->view()->name()) 
++                      or ($self->view()->alias() and ($field->view ne $self->view()->alias()))));

and now I get

t/test.t .................... ok
All tests successful.
Files=29, Tests=507,

for both Database::Accesssor and Driver::DBI

Not a log post but it did take hell over two hours just to track down these little bugs so just as long time wise as many longer posts.

However I am still not happy with the trim of my jib. My Test::Driver is getting and the logic for that alias has grown into a real monster. Well maybe something for tomorrow;


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations