More API Moose

It still fix API day here in the Moose-pen

Yesterday I left off with a new attribute for may Database::Accessor and DAD, 'da_result_set' and I was just going to play with this in my Driver::DBI but before I go and do this I better change one test a little;

first I had this test near the end of my '20_dad_load.t' test case;

else {
my $dad = $da_new->result()->error;
ok($dad->is_ArrayRef ==1,"DAD is_ArrayRef is true")

It of course passes as I am just testing for the default value I should be really test to see if the value is effected by a change. To address this I adding in the following changes

my $da_new = Database::Accessor->new( { delete_requires_condition=>0,
++ da_result_set=>'HashRef',
view => { name => 'person' },
elements=>[{ name => 'street', view => 'person', }] } );

else {
my $dad = $da_new->result()->error;
-- ok($dad->is_ArrayRef ==1,"DAD is_ArrayRef is true")
++ ok($dad->is_HashRef ==1,"DAD is_HashRef is true")

and gave my test a go;

ok 62 - retrieve Query ran
not ok 63 - DAD is_HashRef is true
ok 64 - update Query ran

opps a fail there. As usual I forgot to pass that new attribute down to the underlying DAD and this little patch to the '_execute' sub should fix it;

da_suppress_view_name=> $self->da_suppress_view_name,
++ da_result_set => $self->da_result_set,
identity_index => $self->_identity_index

and it does

ok 62 - retrieve Query ran
ok 63 - DAD is_HashRef is true
ok 64 - update Query ran

so now onto Driver::DBI

Well the first thing we need is a test case and I have named this one '20_result_sets.t'. The first part of the test looks like this;

use Xtest::DB::Users;
use Xtest::DA::Person;
use Test::Deep qw(cmp_deeply);

my $user_db = Xtest::DB::Users->new();
my $dbh = $user_db->connect();
my $new_person = $user_db->new_person_data->[0];
my $person= Xtest::DA::Person->new();
my $da = $person->da();
ok($da->is_HashRef ==1,"return set is a HashRef");

in this test case I do not have to do a '$user_db->create_db();' as that should have been run in the previous test case so all I do here is get the $da from a '$person' then set the 'da_result_set' attribute to 'HashRef' a quick test to see if that value took. When I run the test case I get

ok 1 - return set is a HashRef

which is a good start;

Next I add the following;

left => {
name => 'user_id',
right => { value => $new_person->{user_id }},
operator => '=',
cmp_deeply( $da->result()->set->[0], $new_person,"Hashref returned with correct data");

First a condition so I pick the correct person from the DB, then a retrieve to get the data from the DB and finally a check to see if the returned data matches up with the expected data. This will of course fail as I have not yet added this functionality to the Driver::DBI. Better go do that now.

For my first crack at it I tried

if ( $action eq Database::Accessor::Constants::RETRIEVE ) {
my $results;

if (!$self->is_ArrayRef()) {
while (my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
else {
$results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

You might notice I only have two logic paths here either it isn't an array-ref or is. Now the logic behind this is simple. If I am going to deal with 'HashRef', 'Class' or 'JSON' return types I will always need to use the DBI::STH::fetchrow_hashref as all three of these are really just variations on key value pairs.

So far I am just going to see what comets out with the above and on my first run I get;

not ok 2 - Hashref returned with correct data
# Failed test 'Hashref returned with correct data'
# at 20_result_sets.t line 33.
# Compared reftype($data)
# got : undef
# expect : 'HASH'

I got no data back from my $da and after a few mins of poking about I found the problem. Seems in my '10_crud_basic.t' test case the last thing I do is delete that $new_person row from the DB. Well I corrected that, won't bore you with the details on that.

On my first successful run I got this result;

not ok 2 - Hashref returned with correct data
# Failed test 'Hashref returned with correct data'
# at 20_result_sets.t line 33.
# Comparing hash keys of $data
# Missing: 'address_id', 'city', 'country', 'country_id', 'first_name', 'id', 'last_name', 'postal_code',
'region', 'region_id', 'street', 'time_zone', 'time_zone_id', 'user_id'

'USER_ID', 'time zone'

Looking at was returned in the set;

'set' => [
'ID' => '5',
'REGION' => 'NA',
'time zone' => 'CST',
'LAST_NAME' => 'Marceia',
'USER_ID' => 'marceiaj',
'CITY' => 'Ciudad de Mexico',
'COUNTRY_ID' => '3',
'FIRST_NAME' => 'Diego',
'COUNTRY' => 'Mexico',
'STREET' => 'Plaza de la Constitucion 2',
'POSTAL_CODE' => '06000',
'REGION_ID' => '21',
'TIME_ZONE_ID' => '2',
'ADDRESS_ID' => '6'

I see all the data are correct by the keys are upper case, except for 'time zone' which I handle it “” in the SQL so I guess ORACLE preserves the case. I think there is some DBI majic I can use here to get around this;

if (!$self->is_ArrayRef()) {
-- while (my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
++ while (my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc')) {

and sure enough my next run I get

not ok 2 - HashRef returned with correct data
# Failed test 'HashRef returned with correct data'
# at 20_result_sets.t line 33.
# Comparing hash keys of $data
# Missing: 'time_zone'
# Extra: 'time zone'

which is fixed by simply changing my default data a little and then I get this error

not ok 2 - HashRef returned with correct data
# Failed test 'HashRef returned with correct data'
# at 20_result_sets.t line 33.
# Compared $data->{"first_name"}
# got : 'Diego'
# expect : 'James'

again left over from '10_crud_basic.t' so I added in a quick patch for that as well

my $new_person = $user_db->new_person_data->[0];
++$new_person->{first_name} = 'Diego';
my $person= Xtest::DA::Person->new();

and now I get

ok 1 - return set is a HashRef
ok 2 - HashRef returned with correct data

Which is nice but now I have some things to think about? Should the lower/upper case for hash keys be something my Database::Accessor users can set to a default and what about mixed case, camel case or snake case?

Something for tomorrow I guess?


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations