Still Extending Mooosse

Back to basics here in the Moose-Pen

Still expanding my 'xt' tests after yesterday fix. Going to try the “Like” operator to start;

left => {
name => 'user_id',
view => 'people'
operator => 'Like',
right =>{value=>'atkinst%'}

no real need for all the rest of the test code here mostly the same as before. The above should select out just those five users I added with the execute_array test.

ok 5 - All 4 users retrieved with Like

and that worked. I think one more is in order this tests case

left => {
name => 'user_id',
view => 'people'
operator => 'Not Like',
right =>{value=>'atkinst%'}

and my full results are now;

ok 1 - All 4 users retrieved correctly with between
ok 2 - All 4 users retrieved correctly with is null
ok 3 - All 4 users retrieved with in
ok 4 - All 4 users retrieved with in using a DA
ok 5 - All 4 users retrieved with Like
ok 6 - All 4 users retrieved with not Like

So onto the next case which is '40_joins.t' but when I look at the code I am already using I think it will just be overkill to add more tests for joins.

How about '50_group_by.t'?

I will start with the standard;

my $user_db = Xtest::DB::Users->new();
my $dbh = $user_db->connect();
my $updated_people = $user_db->updated_people_data();
my $person= Xtest::DA::Person->new();
my $da = $person->da();
my $regions = $user_db->regions_data();

Now the little problem of that '$person' DA it has some 14 fields/elements way to many for a practical test so I will just cut it down a little with that brand new 'only_elements' call of mine so I now have.


and then the gather/group by;

$da->add_gather({elements => [{name => 'description',
view => 'region'}]});

and the rest of the test

view => 'region' });


cmp_deeply( $da->result()->set, regions,
"3 regions selected in order");

and when I run my test I get;

Attribute (elements) does not pass the type constraint because: ArrayRefofElements can not be an empty array ref at D:\Perl64\site\lib\Moose\ line 24
Moose::Object::new('Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI', 'HASH(0x5c00990)') called at D:\GitHub\database-accessor\lib\Database\ line 917
Database::Accessor::__ANON__('Database::Accessor=HASH(0x5c00ae0)', 'RETRIEVE', 'DBI::db=HASH(0x5a829d0)', 'HASH(0x5c035b8)', undef) called at D:\GitHub\database-accessor\lib\Database\ line 606
Database::Accessor::retrieve('Database::Accessor=HASH(0x5c00ae0)', 'DBI::db=HASH(0x5a829d0)') called at 50_group_by.t line 29
# Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything.

Opps moose poop.

Looking into that fail I think it is because of my 'only_elements' call as I have no elements in my DA hence the constraint error.

So the problem is in Database::Accessor on this line

if (!$self->only_elements_is_empty() and !$self->only_elements_exists($element->name));

in my case I am asking for the alias 'region' but only checking on the $element->name. I think this patch will fix that;

if (!$self->only_elements_is_empty()
and (!$self->only_elements_exists($element->name)
and !($element->alias()
and $self->only_elements_exists($element->alias) )));

and on my next run I get;

ok 1 - 3 regions selected in order

Now the question comes to mind. What if I want to do a count on the number of people in each region? Well with Database::Accessor as it stands you can't. I took out the ability to add in new 'elements/fields' very early on in the development process. You are stuck with just he elements in you DA.

Why? You might ask. It goes down to the simple fact that Database::Accessor is not an ORM but I could see that it would be useful to do counts on my $da so perhaps I can change my API a little.

Something for tomorrow I guess.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations