Just a little More Moose

Its never stop improving day here in the Moose-Pen

As I was cleaning things up today I found yet another little improvement I can do to my error messages. Right now when I have deeply buried bad item such as the 'names' in this $in_hash

$in_hash = {
view => { name => 'People' },
elements => [ { name => 'first_name', }, { name => 'last_name', }, ],
gather => {
elements => [
name => 'first_name',
view => 'People4'
conditions => [
left => {
name => 'last_name',
view => 'People7'
right => { names => 'test' },

way down in the bottom in the in the final 'right' attribute, I will get this error message;

Database::Accessor new Error:
The following Attribute is required: (name)
With constructor hash:

all good but there could be a number of places here that 'name' could be out of place. I am going to try and fix that;

First a little re-factoring in Database::Accessor::Roles::AllErrors I take out the code like this

( $invalid->attribute->documentation )
? $invalid->attribute->documentation . "->"
: "",

from both of the ' sprintf's that are in '_one_error' sub and move them into a function;

Now why do this?

When I was poking about in the code I discovered a little more data that is available to me from the error attributes that will come in handy. It is called the 'definition_context' and will give me the calling class.
Now for the new function;

sub _get_hint {
my ($attribute) = @_;
my $hint = "";
if ($attribute->documentation){
$hint = $attribute->documentation ;
elsif ($attribute->definition_context->{package}){
$hint = $attribute->definition_context->{package};
$hint =~ s/Database\:\:Accessor\:\://;
return $hint

The only funky thing is the ' definition_context' is just a hash-ref rather that a class of some form but I can live with that.

Back in the '_one_error' I now stub that function in like this;


"'%s' Constraint: %s",

and now I get this on my error message

Database::Accessor new Error:
The following Attribute is required: (Element->name)
With constructor hash:

a little better. Now if I only could find some way to get the invalid data down into my function so I can point to in in that hash display??

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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations