Moose Loose Ends Part the XI

Never say never day here in the Moose-pen

Just when I though I had all the bugs out of my Database::Accessor I found a bunch more while finishing off tests case '42_new_validation.t'.

Most of the bugs where with the 'links' attribute. My test for this attribute are a check to make sure a link has a 'to' is present, and it not undef, and the same for type and then at lease on condition is present.

The first bug was

not ok 19 - type is proper link ; links

and the error it was throwing was;

'links->type' Constraint: The Link 'undef', is not a valid Accessor Link! Try one of 'LEFT', 'OUTER', 'RIGHT'

and the value in the hash we

'type' => 'bla',

Now I traced this back to a change I did yesterday in the 'Database::Accessor::Types' package to make my subtype fails look a little more user friendly;

subtype 'Link',
as 'Str',
where { exists( Database::Accessor::Constants::LINKS->{ uc($_) } ) },
message {
"The Link '"
."', is not a valid Accessor Link!"
._try_one_of( Database::Accessor::Constants::LINKS() );

I added in that '_undef_check' and made one little error;

sub _undef_check {
-- my $self = shift;
my ($in) = shift;
return $in
if ($in);
return 'undef';

I have to take out that '$self' there as I am not instated at this point. With that in there I passed that test.
The next was a little harder to pin down;

ok 19 - type is proper link ; links
not ok 20 - conditions is required; links
ok 21 - name required; sorts

At first I thought it was just because I forgot to add the required on that Link attribute;

has conditions => (
isa => 'ArrayRefofConditions',
++ required=> 1,
is => 'ro',
traits => ['Array'],
handles => { condition_count => 'count', },
default => sub { [] },
documentation => "links"

but the error was till there;

You might remember that 'link' has an 'around BUILDARGS' call where I set up the views of the elements in the link. I added in a little debugging and noticed that the in '$ops' came in to that sub as an empty array ref;

'to' => {
'name' => 'country',
'alias' => 'a_country'
'conditions' => []
'conditionsx' => [

So I took out that 'default=> sub {[]}' but the error still hung about. Then it hit on me. I had this

foreach my $condition ( @{ $ops->{conditions} } ) {

in that sub and that was setting that key on $ops to empty and thus passing that along. To fix that I wraped that call in a if statement;

if (exists( $ops->{conditions} )){
foreach my $condition ( @{ $ops->{conditions} } ) {
$class->_check_elements( $condition->{left}, $view_name );
$class->_check_elements( $condition->{right}, $view_name);

and then I got

ok 18 - type is required; links
ok 19 - type is proper link ; links
ok 20 - conditions is required; links
not ok 21 - conditions cannot be empty; links

so that passed but I still can have empty in there so I had to fix that as well and to do that I had to go back to “” and add this in;

--subtype 'ArrayRefofConditions' => as 'ArrayRef[Condition]'';
++subtype 'ArrayRefofConditions' => as 'ArrayRef[Condition]',
++ where { scalar(@{$_})<=0 ? 0 : 1; },
++ message {
++ "ArrayRefofConditions can not be an empty array ref";
++ };

and now I get;

ok 20 - conditions is required; links
ok 21 - conditions cannot be empty; links
ok 22 - name required; sorts

Finally done for this one at least. Onto something else tomorrow I thing I am due a check-in and full tests review.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations