The Moose Did it

Its hold your head in shame smarty pants day here in the Moose pen.

So here I am with a little 'mea culpa' for yesterday post. I had what you would call a real newbie flaw to to that I should of caught right away.

Now it was not in the re-factoring or the implantation of the re-factoring that was all ok my problem was assuming that the coercion of my objects was not happening on a new. Of course it was so when I hit the test where I had an coercion error on new on a coerced object I was getting a double fail that would wash out my original fail.

The real problem is this code in my 'Types'

coerce 'Predicate', from 'HashRef',
via {
my $object;
eval {
$object = Database::Accessor::Predicate->new( %{$_} ) ;
if ($@) {
return $object;

and it occurs when I have an error on a deeply nested attribute, such as the 'conditions' on the gather of this '$in_hash'

$in_hash = {
view => { name => 'People' },
elements => [ { name => 'first_name', }, { name => 'last_name', }, ],
gather => {
elements => [
name => 'first_name',
view => 'People4'
conditions => [
left_failx => {
name => 'last_name',
view => 'People7'
right => { value => 'test' },
operator => '=',
open_parentheses => 1,
close_parentheses => 0,
condition => 'AND',

I will get an error header like this;

Database::Accessor Error:
The following Attribute is required: (conditions->left)

where I was expecting one like this

Database::Accessor new Error:
The following Attribute is required: (conditions->left)

what was happening was the coercion is happening in a nested item and therefore it dies they when it fires the '_one_error' and never gets to the '_one_error' sub in the 'around'

I found this out by chance as my test was just checking to see if '(conditions->left)' was present.

The main reason why I want this to work is when I do something like this;

$da->add_condition( {
leftx => {
name => 'last_name',
view => 'People'
right => { value => 'test' },
operator => '=',
open_parentheses => 1,
close_parentheses => 0,
condition => 'AND',

I want to use the same function to handle both errors.

Well I spent the day today to see if I could weasel out of this this one.

I tried checking the caller in the coerce with little luck to see it there was something in the stack that would tell me is I am in a new or not. I did get something to work with as I found this in the call stack 'Class::MOP::Class:::around' however that only worked intermtitanly as the stack was different each time I made a call.

I then look twice at I think every MooseX out there and did not find one that could help me. I either had to do a major re-write using an object builder of some form or write even more code an try attribute coercion.

I then tried to add in flag to the '$in_hash' to tell anying using it that it was doing a new. No luck there as I did not fine an easy or quick way (apart from brute force iteration) to at the flag in all the correct places in what could be a very large nested data structure.

In desperation I tried using the 'Taint' module but soon gave that a miss as that is way of in hacker zone of programming.

I did finally come up with a rather ugly solution. A global (yuck) flag. Implemented like this;

use strict;

package Database::Accessor::Types;
our $NEW;

coerce 'Predicate', from 'HashRef',
via {
my $object;
$object = Database::Accessor::Predicate->new( %{$_} ) ;
else {
eval {
$object = Database::Accessor::Predicate->new( %{$_} ) ;
if ($@) {
return $object;

sub _is_new {
my ($new) = @_;
$NEW = $new;

and in the 'around BUILDARGS' of

 around BUILDARGS => sub {
        my $orig  = shift;
        my $class = shift;
        my $ops   = shift(@_);

my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine) = caller(3);
if ( $ops->{retrieve_only} ) {
$ops->{no_create} = 1;
$ops->{no_retrieve} = 0;
$ops->{no_update} = 1;
$ops->{no_delete} = 1;
my $instance;
eval{ $instance = $class->$orig($ops)};
if ($@) {
if (exists($ENV{'DA_ALL_ERRORS'}) and $ENV{'DA_ALL_ERRORS'} ){
die $@;
else {
_one_error($ops,'new',$package, $filename, $line, $subroutine);
else {
return $instance;

The above works as it shuts out eval when $NEW is 1 and I get the correct error report on a new and on an add.

Oh well live an learn. Still do not like it much there must be a better way to do it.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations