Renaming Perl client for Elasticsearch
Dear Perl'ers
I need your help to choose a new name for the official Perl client for Elasticsearch.
Read more here:
Dear Perl'ers
I need your help to choose a new name for the official Perl client for Elasticsearch.
Read more here:
In our homegrown ORM we have an in-memory cache, which enables us to ensure that only one instance of any object is live in memory at any one time.
In other words:
$one = MyObject->get(123);
$two = MyObject->get(123);
refaddr($one) == refaddr($two)
I find this setup useful because:
When I do a search against the DB, it returns a list of objects, which I can then retrieve (in bulk) from:
-> the in memory cache
-> memcached
-> the DB
No DB-based object contains another DB-based object, to avoid circular references. Instead, it just contains the ID of the object. Retrieving the actual object is cheap (assuming it has already been loaded) because we can just request the single instance of that object from the in-memory cache.
The in-memory cache is cleared at the end of each web-request.
The above is pretty similar to how KiokuDB works.
I’m currently working on an “ORM” that uses ElasticSearch as its backend. (“ORM” is in quotes because ES functions as a Lucene-powered document store, rather than being a relational DB).
I’d like to replicate the current functionality, because I think it has merits, but there is a complication:
Time doesn’t necessarily flow forwards
To explain:
What this means is that I could:
GET doc 123 -> returns version 6
SEARCH for doc 123 -> returns version 5
This would normally never happen in a traditional DB, because updates are atomic, and indexes are updated as the document is indexed. But it could happen in a master-slave setup where there is replication lag.
Also, I’m guessing this is a common scenario in NoSQL datastores.
This is an issue just for the current request, not for writes to ES. Every doc in ES has a _version number, and if you try to update the wrong version, it will throw a Conflict error, in which case you can:
So where might this be a problem:
$a = get -> version 1
$b = search -> version 1
This one is easy. $b can just reuse the object in $a.
$a = get -> version 1
$b = search -> version 1
$a->save() -> version 2
Potentially, the object no longer matches the search that you did, so you may be displaying incorrect results. (eg you search for name == ‘Joe’, then change name to ‘Bob’). But this looks like a reasonable process to me.
$a = get -> version 2
$b = search -> version 1
Our search has returned an older version of the object. The newer version might or not match the search parameters. Do we display the old results? or the new results?
$a = get -> version 1
$b = search -> version 1
We have a changed (but as yet unsaved) object in the cache. Should $b contain the changed object, or the pristine object?
$a = get -> version 1
$b = search -> version 2
We have an old (and changed) version in $a. We know that a newer version already exists in the DB, so we’ll get a conflict error if we try to save $a. What do we do?
I think my logic will look something like this:
my ($class,$id,$version,$data) = @_;
if (my $cached = $cache->{$id}) {
return $cached
if $version <= $cached->{version};
return $cache->re_new($data);
unless $cached->has_changed;
return $cache->{$id} = $class->new($data);
In other words, all instances of the object are always updated to the latest version, EXCEPT if the current instance has been edited and not yet saved. (Saving will throw a conflict error later on anyway).
Also, if you wanted to “detach” an object, then you could clone it and update it independently.
The only issue is that search results may contain a newer object which no longer matches the search parameters. Personally, I’m probably happy to live with this, but I probably need (a) a default setting and (b) a dynamic flag which the user can use to control this behaviour.
Thanks for getting to the bottom of this.
What do you think? See any obvious (or not-so-obvious) flaws?
(Also posted to PerlMonks )
I'm considering ditching my RDBM for my next application and using ElasticSearch as my only data store.
My home-grown framework uses unique IDs for all objects, which currently come from a MySQL auto-increment column, and my framework expects the unique ID to be an integer.
ElasticSearch has its own unique auto-generated IDs, but:
' and I'd say are less human-readable than an integerIn Perl, we like to put important things first, so the ElasticSearch query language has always felt a bit wrong to me. For instance, to find docs where the content
field contains the text keywords
# op field value
{ text => { content => 'keywords' } }
To me, the important part of this is the field that we’re operating on, so this feels more natural:
# field op value
{ content => { text => 'keywords' }}
So, in the spirit of SQL::Abstract I am proud to announce ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder, which is tightly integrated into the latest version 0.38.
Any method which takes a query
or filter
param (eg search() now also accepts a queryb
or filterb
parameter instead, whose value will be parsed via SearchBuilder:
Do a full text search of the _all
field for 'my keywords'
$es->search( queryb=> 'my keywords' );
Find docs whose title field contains the text apple
but not orange
, whose status
field contains the value active
queryb => {
title => {
'=' => 'apple',
'!=' => 'orange'
-filter => {
status => 'active'
You can try out ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder here.
And finally, a more complex example, to demonstrate how much more concisely you can write queries:
Out of all docs published in 2010 and tagged with either “perl” or “ruby”, find those whose title
field contains”my keywords”, in which case consider this doc to be particularly relevant (boost: 2
) or the title
field is missing but the body
field contains 'my keywords'
queryb => {
-or => [
title => {
'=' => {
query => 'my keywords',
boost => 2
body => 'my_keywords',
-filter => {
-missing => 'title'
-filter => {
tags => [ 'perl','ruby' ],
date => {
'>=' => '2010-01-01',
'<' => '2011-01-01'
is the equivalent of:
query => {
filtered => {
filter => {
and => [
terms => {
tags => ["perl", "ruby"]
numericrange => {
date => {
gte => "2010-01-01",
lt => "2011-01-01"
query => {
bool => {
should => [
text => {
title => {
boost => 2,
query => "my keywords"
filtered => {
filter => {
missing => {
field => "title"
query => {
text => {
body => "mykeywords"
Which looks better to you?
Just released v 0.37 which has a small breaking change.
In version 0.36, $scrolled_search->next()
returned the next $size
results. Now, by default it returns the next one result, which makes it easier to write:
while ( my $result = $scroller->next ) {...}