A week of Damianic possession

The process of organizing my summer speaking tours is often NP-complete, with too many possible events competing to fit into too few available timeslots.

So it's a refreshing change, this year, to find myself with an entire unused week, during which I definitely need to be in Europe, but could be anywhere in Europe. The week in question is August 7-11 (i.e. the week immediately before YAPC::EU).

Normally I would just arrive at the conference venue a week early, lock myself in my hotel room, and hack for 168 hours straight...but this year I thought I might try something different. So I'm putting out an invitation to the entire European Perl community: make use of me for a week!

The idea is simple: anybody anywhere in Europe is welcome to contact me with a suggestion/proposal for occupying my time from August 7 to August 11.

Would you like me to turn up and talk to your Perl Mongers group? Would you like me to come in to your company and teach a class? Would you like a private seminar on Perl 6? Would you like me to help you write and release your first CPAN module? Would you like me to revamp your big corporate presentation? Would you like me to hack Vim scripts for you? Would you like me to see how many different Perl user groups in your country I can speak to in a single week? I'll consider any serious offer and undertake the most tempting one (or ones, if I can fit more than one into the available time).

Note that "tempting" might include any or all of the following:

  • beautiful and interesting locations,
  • beautiful and interesting people,
  • beautiful and interesting ideas,
  • beautiful and interesting tasks
  • beautiful and interesting inducements[1]

I'm looking forward to doing something special, somewhere special. Let me know if you're interested.


[1] For example, offering to cover my accommodation for the visit or, if you'd like a training class, I'm willing to offer substantial discounts on my usual training fees, and to cover my travel costs myself

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About Damian Conway
