Returning to Zurich
I have been most fortunate to have been able to visit Zurich every year since 2008, to teach classes at the ETH.
Zurich is one of my favorite cities in the world: there’s something undefinably “civilized” about it. It’s elegant, but vibrant, and yet strangely tranquil too. From the glorious lake-front to the sylvan Zurichberg, its natural beauties always draw me back. Not to mention the wonderful food.
And yet, the reason I keep returning to Zurich is not any of those undeniable attractions. It’s the people I meet and work with there. Smart, serious, witty, genuine, and generous people. Developers, academics, and scientists, who are always a pleasure to teach…and a joy to learn from as well.
This year we’re going to try something a little different in Zurich. My previous visits have always been later in the year, but in 2012 we’re experimenting with a Spring schedule with four completely new classes.
It’s taken longer than we’d hoped to arrange our venue and classes1. So much so that there is now only just over a month until the classes begin.
So, if you’re in Zurich (or could be) in early May, and you’re looking for some entirely new classes on designing and developing in Perl, sign up now and join us next month.
What better excuse to be in Zurich in Springtime?!
1 Previous visits during the summer break, when there is much less demand for teaching spaces, have always been much easier to organize.
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