Le sexe et la violence en Suisse

We've just added another public event to my current European speaking tour.

On the evening of Tuesday April 1 (yeah, I know), I'll be speaking in Morges, near Lausanne, giving an updated version of my presentation: Sex and Violence: Social and Technical Lessons from the Perl 6 Project

The talk is free and open to anyone interested in project management, language design, or other related forms of sadomasochism.

While I'm in Lausanne, I'll also be offering two public classes: my Advanced Presentation Skills class and my recent update on "Perl Best Practices" (Perl Even-Better Practices). There are still some places available in both classes.

Note that the sign-up links I've given are specifically aimed at Swiss academics, but the classes are definitely open to everyone else as well. So, if you'd like to attend, but your details don't seem to fit into the sign-up page, you can contact Frédéric Schütz (who is the mastermind behind my repeated visits to Romandy) directly to find out about enrolling in either course.

Donc, j'espère vous voir nombreux à nouveau en Avril à Vaud. Et si vous êtes particulièrement chanceux, je ne vais même pas essayer de parler français! :-)

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About Damian Conway
