Cross Posting to

cross-posted from dams blog

Cross Posting to

So, a while ago, I moved my blog to github, using jekyll and markdown, with jekyll integration in Emacs.

That works great, and I like the fasct that posting a blog entry is just a regular git push.

My blog is aggregated in some places, but it doesn't appear on, because it's not an aggregator (and that's cool, it's not its purpose). But, audience is big, and I'm missing all these potential readers (in improbable case people would actually be interested in what I have to say :) )

Anyway, so I decided to bite the bullet and write a script that would cross post my entry to I made the script generic enough to work with different type of blogs, but here I'm going to explain only the specific case. is a Movable Type blog engine. A look on Metacpan indicates us there is a Net::MovableType module. That's great, let's use that.

There is a catch: to use this module, you need your login, and your API password, not your regular password. You can get it easily though, by following these instructions (thanks to davorg for directing me to it).

To avoid storing the user / password in the script, and to have to pass it on the command line, let's have a configuration file, that will lie at ~/.crosspost.ini, and that we'll load with Config::Any::Merge.

The file name of the original post will have to be passed on the command line, using Getopt::Long and Path::Class to retrieve and slurp it.

Here is the configuration file.

# file ~/.crosspost.ini
[ main_blog ]
title = dams blog
url =

[ ]
type = mt
username = foo
password = bar
url =

And here's the code:

# file

use Modern::Perl;
use Carp;

use Net::MovableType;
use Config::Any::Merge;
use Getopt::Long;
use Path::Class;
use Text::Markdown qw(markdown);

my $file;
GetOptions ("file=s" => \$file)
or croak "failed to parse command line options";

or croak "need a file";

$file = file($file);

# Get a hash representing the config file
my $cfg = (values %{Config::Any->load_files({files => [ $ENV{HOME} . '/.crosspost.ini' ], use_ext => 1 })->[0]})[0];

# Grab some main info
my $main_blog_title = $cfg->{main_blog}{title};
my $main_blog_url = $cfg->{main_blog}{url};

my $text = $file->slurp;
# In reality, I do some transformation on $text to interpret jekyll specific
# syntax

$text = "\n <i>cross-posted from [$main_blog_title]($main_blog_url)</i>\n\n" . $text;

# So now we have the content to be posted, but it's in markdown. Let's
# transform it in HTML
my $html = markdown($text);

# Then we loop on all the other blog to cross post to
foreach my $site (grep { $_ ne 'main_blog'} keys %$cfg) {
say "posting to $site";
my %properties = %{$cfg->{$site}};

# for now we handle only movable type
if ($properties{type} eq 'mt') {
my $username = $properties{username};
my $password = $properties{password};
my $url = $properties{url};

my $mt = Net::MovableType->new($url);
or croak $mt->errstr;
or croak $mt->errstr;
We need to get the user's blog id
my $user_blogs = $mt->getUsersBlogs
or croak $mt->errstr;
or croak $mt->errstr;

# finally, the post
title => $title,
description => $html,
mt_allow_comments => $properties{allow_comments} // 1,
# uncomment this line to directly post it
# 1



Missing in this code is some mungling of the text to manage jekyll specific syntax. And while I was at it, I improved it so that it supports cross-posting to twitter, using Net::Twitter, and posting only a short description of the entry. Here is an example (I had to create a custom Twitter app called blog-cross-poster)

Twitter cross posting

Now, I just need to add a git hook to be executed at push time, check if there is a new post or a modified one, and cross post it. Yay !


Syntax highlighting should be automatic for code in <pre><code> blocks but it has been broken for some time. We need to fix that…

Could you elaborate on how you got the API key.

I tried following the instructions you pointed at, but doesn't exist. Doing the same for doesn't show any "Web Services Password" or "Reveal" text or link, on the page following the username link.

I'd be interested in make use of this to compliment my old UsePerl distros :)

Thank you very much for the posting (making me aware of Net::MovableType)

About Damien "dams" Krotkine

user-pic I blog about Perl.