Dancer is community-driven
cross-posted from dams blog
Dancer is community-driven
Long time I haven't blogged about Dancer.
Antelink is a french startup, specializing in Software Life Cycle Management and Open Source Component Detection. They provided us with cool Dancer sourcecode analyzis graphs.
Overall contribution by users
.pm files contribution by users
Pod files contribution by users
Test files contribution by users
Reading these graphs
The surfaces represent a mean between the number of commits, and the weight of
modifications contributed (in term of "code line"), only when these are
original content addition. Moving content around isn't counted as active
Note that some people are registered twice with different names, I'll try to
post an updated version
What does that demonstrate ? It shows that Dancer is really powered by its community. Decisions are made together, the code is hacked by multiple hands, and the management is done in a collegial manner on github.
It's a great reward to be visible on these graphs :)
More Graphs
UPDATE : Erwan (@Labynocle) sent me new graphics, they show the difference between core devs and contributors. By the ay, Erwan will be at the French Perl Workshop in Strasbourg, France.
So here we go :
.pm files contribution by groups

Pod files contribution by groups

Test files contribution by groups

As a side note, I've proposed 2 talks related to Dancer for
YAPC::EU. One called "Dancer + WebSocket +
AnyEvent + Twiggy", and an other one mixing Dancer
, Log::Message::Structured
and Message::Passing
Let's hope they'll get accepted !
This also shows I don't do as much coding as people think I do! :)
This shows contributors write as much tests as they write code, but that they also contribute even more documentation which is awesome!
And people say it's impossible to get help on documentation...
That's nice. It would be even better if this could be compared to the average Perl (or average Open source) project.
It would be also nice to see similar graphs for other big Perl projects.