Poor Mans Jobqueue for Catalyst Apps

Handling long-running or heavy tasks inside a a requests is something you should avoid.

  • It blocks the available processes for other requests.
  • browser request timeout
  • ...

Instead of using one of the job queue implementations available for perl

  • Resque
  • ActiveMQ
  • ZeroMQ
  • Gearman
  • TheSchwartz
  • ...

i decided to reuse/abuse my database.

Add a 'job' table

  "id" serial NOT NULL,
  "test_id" integer NOT NULL,
  "status" character varying DEFAULT 'pending' NOT NULL,
  "created" timestamp NOT NULL,
  "data" character varying,
  PRIMARY KEY ("id")

Schedule a job

In our Catalyst Application users create and run tests. Running a test can take minutes to complete. So when the user clicks on the "run" button only a single insert is executed and the request returns.

INSERT INTO "job" ( "created", "test_id", "type")
VALUES ( '2013-09-17 09:53:54+0000', '220', 'test_foo');

Users can see job status

The next thing the user sees is a list of jobs and their status which can be any of the values "pending", "in_progress" or "finished".

Job Daemon

A daemon process takes care ofprocessing the jobs. I am using the excellent module Daemon::Control. script/epplication_job_daemon.initd

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;
use Daemon::Control;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;

# 1) configure user, group and perl path
my $user  = 'www-data';
my $group = 'www-data';
my $perl  = '/usr/bin/perl';

my $root     = $Bin;
my $program  = "$perl $root/myapp_job_daemon.pl";
my $name     = 'MyAppJobDaemon';
my $pid_file = $root . '/myapp_job_daemon.pid';

        name      => $name,
        lsb_start => '$all',
        lsb_stop  => '$all',
        lsb_sdesc => $name,
        lsb_desc  => $name,
        path      => $root . '/myapp_job_daemon.initd',

        user      => $user,
        group     => $group,
        directory => $root,
        program   => $program,

        pid_file    => $pid_file,
        stderr_file => $root . '/myapp_job_daemon.out',
        stdout_file => $root . '/myapp_job_daemon.out',

        fork => 2,    # Default: 2

  1. create initd file ... ./script/myapp_job_daemon.initd get_init_file > foo
  2. copy to /etc/init.d/myapp_job_daemon ... cp foo /etc/init.d/myapp_job_daemon
  3. install to runlevels ... update-rc.d myapp_job_daemon defaults


the code for job processing

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use MyApp::Util;

my $verbose  = 1;
my $interval = 5;
my $schema   = MyApp::Util::get_schema();

sub run {
    while (1) {
        my $job = check_queue();
        if ( $job ) {
            process_job( $job );
        else {

sub check_queue {
    my $schema = shift;
    return $schema->resultset('Job')->search( { status => 'pending' } )->first;

sub process_job {
    my $job = shift;

    say "Processing job: " . $job->id
        if $verbose;

    my $test = $job->test;
    die "no test found.\n" unless $test;

    say "Processing test: " . $test->name . '(' . $test->id . ')'
        if $verbose;

    my $test_env = MyApp::Util::get_test_env( $schema );

    $job->update( { status => 'in_progress' } );

    my @results = $test->run( $test_env );

            data   => \@results,
            status => 'finished',

    say "Finished processing " . @results . " steps."
        if $verbose;


  • client polls results every n seconds
  • daemon polls database for pending jobs (could use DB triggers)
  • doesnt scale so well

But it works and I can come up with a better solution if required.


As far as I know, gearman by itself will manage your three needed states "pending", "in_progress" or "finished" just by using the handler it gives you back when you launch a job asynchronously.

If you need extra info (like started date, data , result, error maybe? ..) it makes sense to store it somewhere (in a table).

But it seems that here you're mixing storing extra job attributes (which is perfectly legitimate) and managing the job dispatching itself (which mentionned systems are designed to do).

From your code, it also looks like having more than one demon will put you at risk of processing the same jobs more than once. Could be quite embarrassing/damaging.

"Abuse" is the right word. The moment you hit more than three concurrent jobs, you will see a nasty slowdown because your table will have contention. A relational table is the WORST data structure you could use (other than a stack) to implement a queue. Tables are designed to store data in a way that optimizes for multiple reads per row. Ideally, each row is read 10x or more in its lifetime. A queue, on the other hand, is meant to be write-once-read-once-AND-DELETE. The delete is what kills the database.

Don't be stupid - just use a real queue. You will thank me.

I've implemented this anti-pattern more times than I care to admit. I like Redis for maintaining ephemeral queues these days. Easy and dirt simple. As it happens, I have an old YAPC presentation about this exact topic. (Video, Slides)

Have you taken a look at Helios? I admit it may not quite do what you want out of the box (yet); it currently is more of a "fire-and-forget" job management system rather than one that tightly integrates with your front-end webapp. It does however have a reliable job agent daemon that manages multiple worker processes and extensible APIs for logging and configuration management. There are also a lot of hooks and extension capabilities to tailor the system to work with your environment. We have a lot of new features and APIs coming up in the next major release, so even if it can't quite do what you want yet, it may be able to very soon.

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About davewood

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