August 2016 Archives

CamelHarness.js version 0.2.1

I would like to announce the release of version 0.2.1 of CamelHarness.js - a small JavaScript library that can start Perl5 scripts from applications based on Electron or NW.js. I will be happy if someone finds it useful!

Perl Executing Browser version 0.2

I am happy to announce the release of version 0.2 of Perl Executing Browser (PEB) - our minimalistic HTML GUI for Perl desktop applications similar to Electron and NW.js.

Despite its low version number, PEB is already used in a small, specialized EpiDoc XML application called Epigraphista and is proving its usability.

PEB also contains an HTML interface for the default Perl debugger. The debug…

About ddmitov

user-pic Historian by education. Teacher by profession. Linux user by conviction. Open source enthusiast and free time programmer.