graphql-perl - plugin to make GraphQL "just work" with OpenAPI

The just-released v0.03 of GraphQL::Plugin::Convert::OpenAPI provides a plugin to convert a given OpenAPI specification (the spec formerly known as Swagger) to a GraphQL schema.

There is also now a sample OpenAPI applet for Mojolicious::Lite. It provides a GraphQL interface to the superb CPAN Testers REST API. Here is an example query:

  v3_report_get(id: "a35ce723-6bf8-1014-858b-1fdf904013f2") {
    reporter {

And this is the code that implements it in the applet:

plugin GraphQL => {
  convert => [ 'OpenAPI', 'cpantesters-v3.json' ],
  graphiql => 1,

The porting of GraphQL to Perl 5 has been sponsored by Perl Careers.

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