February 2020 Archives

Possibly the best k-means clustering ... in the world!

Short post this time because I got nerd-sniped looking at the data. The fun part is that you quickly move from thinking about how to get your results to trying to work out what they mean.

Forget why I started down this road. Right now, we are seeking the answer to Lewis Carol's famous question, How is a Porsche 914-2 like a Volvo 142E? (well, that's what it was in the first draft) A quick summary for those who have just joined us.

pdl> use PDL::IO::CSV ':all'
pdl> $cars = rcsv2D('mtcars_001.csv', [1 .. 11], {text2bad => 1, header => 1, debug => 1});
pdl> p $cars->dims
32 11

You got 32 11, right?

PDL: Episode VI - a New Book

The title is clickbait. I ran short of time this week and am ~~recycling~~^Wconsolidating comments, replies and thoughts. Let's talk about Books!

I would love a new PDL Book. One that's completely different from the original to maximize the surface of engagement to a new audience. As a "sequel", It would have the advantage of being able to refer the reader to the first book for longer explanations and be able to jump right into how to solve significant problems. brian d foy has just finished his Mojolicious book, so I bet he's got loads of free time on his hands. (although I remember him in the middle of writing it in 2018, so you may have to wait a bit)

About Enkidu

user-pic I am a Freelance Scientist** and Perl is my Igor.