Lucky Number Per7
I swear it was Perl 5 just a moment ago. I turned my back for all of 5 minutes ...
I don't need the new features, but I don't like boilerplate and I'm happy to accommodate those who seek progress. Harking back to lessons from the past, SysAdmins of a certain age may remember the venerable a2p program for converting awk scripts to perl and the horrendous (but working) code that it produced. We had one of those running in production less than 2 years ago until I finally decided to re-write it in Modern Perl. A bit like moving house, as a community we need to face the pain every so often and address the risks and ptifalls, not as reasons to keep to the status quo, but as a checklist of problems to be solved.
Perhaps the most Perlish thing to do would be to actually go and ask the Python community what they would do differently in migrating to python3. Learn from other people's mistakes.
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