a perl5 to Java compiler - work in progress
I've been adding support for Java in Perlito5 in the last few days.
This is what it does so far:
Declare a package and import a Java class into it:
package Sample { import => "misc.Java.Sample" }
I choose this syntax because it is valid Perl, and it gives the compiler enough information to process typed variables and indirect objects, so that you can use:
my Sample $x; # typed variable
$x = new Sample; # indirect object
while "normal" Perl also works:
my $x = Sample->new();
It is possible to convert a Perl variable back to the Java-land value:
$x->to_Sample; # a Java value
The coercion methods are auto-generated from the "import" declaration.
There is already an implementation of arrays, hashes, and references. There are currently no namespaces, and only a basic implementation of closures.
The code is mostly based in the Perl5-to-Javascript translator. Because this is based on a Javascript emitter, all unimplemented features will still generate Javascript instead of Java!
Here is some working code - this should work out of the box from the git repository directory (the file misc/Java/Sample.java is there already):
perl perlito5.pl -Isrc5/lib -Cjava -e ' package Sample { import => "misc.Java.Sample" }; my $x = Sample->new(); $x->to_Sample; print "got a <", $x, ">\n" ' > Test.java
javac -d . misc/Java/Sample.java
javac Test.java
java Test
# output: got a <pSample@1906bcf8>
Don't try anything more complicated yet - it will parse without problems, but the generated code will likely be nonsense!
The code is at https://github.com/fglock/Perlito
- tip: to see a syntax tree, replace -Cjava with -Cast-perl5
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