June 2015 Archives

Mojo::Snoo v0.10 - "Snoo" Explained

Hi everyone,

I recently attended Miniconf in New York at which I decided to host a hackathon for my current hobby project, Mojo::Snoo - a Mojo wrapper for the reddit API.

Some hackathon attendees were nice enough to contribute code and give me some great ideas for future development. So, I’d like to briefly mention some changes introduced in the v0.10 release.

Firstly, let’s get one thing out of the way:

What the #$%! is Snoo?

Snoo is the name of r…

Mojo::Snoo - alpha release

Hi everyone,

Long time no blog. I posted on reddit about my new module, Mojo::Snoo. I'm shooting for a funky Perl wrapper around the reddit API. Right now, I'm the only one using it (I think), but would like that to change.

So...feedback welcome! Install, break, complain, etc.

Oh, and I will be hosting a hackathon at Miniconf this weekend in NYC. So, feel free to say hi and help me with some development.


About curtis

user-pic github.com/aggrolite