December 2013 Archives

How can I make this Perl code run faster ?

Hello world and Happy Holidays!! This is my first time blogging in and I figure I take this opportunity to ask the Perl community for suggestions on how I can make this Perl code run faster.

As the name of the script implies, I want to parse a cpan autobundle file so I can generate a list of distribution files from which I can create a Pinto repository. Please note that the script is incomplete and I am just wondering if there is a better approach to generate a list of distribution files.

A sample of an autobundle file can be found in the link below:

Please note that the way to run this program is by passing the autobundle filename as an argument like so:


Below is a copy of the code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 

# This script will parse a cpan bundle file and create a pinto repository
# with modules listed in the bundle file. 

use strict; 
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use JSON;

my $file = $ARGV[0];

open( my $fh , "<", $file ) 
        or die "Unable to open $file \n $!";

# Parse bundle file and determine distribution file url for each module version
my %modules =();
my %undef_versions = ();
my $head_cont = 0;

while ( my $line  = <$fh>) {

        if ( $line =~ /^\=head1\sCONTENTS/ ) {
                $head_cont = 1;

        next if ( $head_cont == 0 || $line =~ /^$/);
        last if ( $head_cont && $line =~ /^\=head1/ );

        $line =~ s/ +/ /g;
        my @fields =  split( ' ', $line);

        # skip functions 
        next if $fields[0] =~ /^[a-z]/;
        # skip undef module versions 
        if ( $fields[1] == "undef") {
                $undef_versions{$fields[0]} = 1;

        $modules{$fields[0]}{'VERSION'} = $fields[1];

my %dist_archives =();
for my $mod ( keys %modules ) {
        # Store the archive url in the hash for the modules that do have versions defined
        my $archive_url = dist_archive_url( $mod, $modules{$mod}{'VERSION'} ) ;
        next if ( ! $archive_url );
        $dist_archives{$archive_url} = 1;

print Dumper \%dist_archives;
#print Dumper \%undef_versions;

# Attempt to search for Module archive via cpan api.
sub dist_archive_url {

        my ($mod , $version) = @_;

        my $json = JSON->new();
        my $search_cpan = "";
        my $mod_url  = $search_cpan . "module/" . $mod;        
        my $mod_data_json  = get( $mod_url);
        my $mod_data =  $json->decode(  $mod_data_json ) ;

        my $dist = $mod_data->{'distvname'};
        $dist =~ s/\-\d+\.\d+$//; # remove the version number
        my $dist_url = "" . $dist ;
        my $dist_data_json  = get( $dist_url);
        my $dist_data =  $json->decode(  $dist_data_json ) ;

        my $archive_url;        
        for my $release  ( @{$dist_data->{releases}} ) {
                if ( $release->{version} eq $version ) {
                        $archive_url =  $release->{cpanid} . "/" . $release->{'archive'};
         return $archive_url;

# Create a Pinto repo and pass in the ur

Also I would like to know if this something that has been done before and If so how did you solve this problem?

About Charlie Gonzalez

user-pic I blog about Perl.