Perl Data Language (PDL) 2.4.10 Release

Since the Perl Data Language (PDL) does not have a large presence in the Perl Blogosphere, I have the honor of reposting Pumpking Chris Marshall’s announcement of PDL 2.4.10.

For those of you who don’t know, PDL gives standard Perl the ability to compactly store and speedily manipulate the large N-dimensional data arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. For more information on PDL please visit its website at

Chris’ release message is reposted below, the full text can be seen on the mailing list archive.

PDL-2.4.10 released

The PDL Development Team is pleased to announce the PDL-2.4.10 release of the Perl Data Language and the first PDF release of the PDL Book.

PDL-2.4.10 is the latest point release with more functionality, portability, and robustness than ever before, including:

  • POSIX threads support for all platforms
  • Auto parallelization of PDL threadloops
  • Support for PDLs larger than 2GiB
  • PDL Book draft release (PDF format)
  • Much, much, more…

As always, the source distribution will be available at a CPAN mirror near you within a couple of days. Our site has the source distribution and the PDL Book:

Windows binary PPM are available in the usual site, see “Get PDL” in the sidebar at (the PDL website for links, documentation and info for all things PDL).

The SciPDL-2.4.10 release for MacOS X systems will be announced when it is available.

Enjoy and Happy PDL-ing!

Chris Marshall for the PDL Development Team


Great work and thank you, PDL team!

As a PDL developer, I want to point out that 2.4.9 to 2.4.10 is not just a fiddly point release: there are substantial improvements, especially the debut of the Book. My congratulations to the whole PDL development and documentation teams.

If you have been doing numerics in Perl without learning much about PDL, now is the time to get started learning PDL. In the coming months, 2.4.11 will debut with new plotting libraries and bindings. It’s an exciting time!

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About Joel Berger

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