RFC Module::Build::CleanInstall

Edit: Module::Build::CleanInstall has been released!

Following the recent work (chronicled here) by Yanick Champoux and this StackOverflow question, I got it into my mind to try to write a Module::Build subclass which first removes all the files previously installed by a module before installing the new version. In those posts, this is motivated by File::ShareDir concerns, but this problem is more general than that.

If your new version of a module does not come with some file that a previous version did, installing the new version will not remove that file. Most of the time this is ok, but every now and again you need to know that those files don’t exist. That’s usually when you see warnings in the POD saying, “be sure to remove all previous installations …” or “only install on a fresh copy of Perl”. The author knows that a problem is possible, but the user has to fix it. Sounds bad.

What if you could just switch your build tool from Module::Build (or EU::MM) to Module::Build::CleanInstall and let that take care of it for you?

Normally once I mock up an example, I release it to CPAN and see how it goes, but this time, I thought I might solicit comments first, since perhaps there are real world considerations I haven’t thought of. Please let me know any thoughts on this idea and the proposed implementation in the comments below.



Sounds like a great idea, actually.

Just 1 question: Does does the code know there are files missing from the current version which were present in the previous version?

Cheers Ron

Looks great. If the packlist is not there, no foul done, and if it is, it neatly clean and vacuum the place.

I can’t think of a way how this could have adverse consequences, but you are right in requesting comments before unleashing the beast, juuuust in case. I’d have done the same. :-)

But yeah, huge +1 from here!

prepan.org is a good place to get feedback before releasing to CPAN.

This looks to me like what you really want is the —uninst argument to Module::Build (it’s a documented feature of Module::Build. Actually, you can simply do

my $b = Module::Build->new(
    module_name => 'Foo',
    # more arguments
    uninst => 1,

And be done with it (not tested, but if it doesn’t work that’s a bug that should be fixed).

Looks like it’s mentioned in Module::Build::Cookbook.

Module::Build::Cookbook documents command option --uninst 1. It also appears that Module::Build->new( uninst => 1, ... ) has the effect of defaulting the command option to 1, though I can’t find where this is documented.

However, I can’t make it actually remove anything. That is, if the installed package Foo-pkg provides modules Foo and Foo::Bar, and you install a new package Foo-pkg that only provides Foo, it does not appear to me that Foo::Bar goes away even with uninst => 1.

The same seems to be true of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, though that’s more complicated since you can’t get that behavior by calling WriteMakeFile( UNINST => 1, ... ).

I would love to be proven wrong on this. I have a package that will shortly loose a module, and I would love to be able to get rid of the surplus file using standard CPAN toolchain modules — but it may not be possible.

But given what I think I know at the moment, it looks to me like Module::Build::CleanInstall still has value.

It also appears that Module::Build->new( uninst => 1, … ) has the effect of defaulting the command option to 1, though I can’t find where this is documented.
All commandline options are also constructor arguments, though I don’t think this is explicitly documented.

However, I can’t make it actually remove anything. That is, if the installed package Foo-pkg provides modules Foo and Foo::Bar, and you install a new package Foo-pkg that only provides Foo, it does not appear to me that Foo::Bar goes away even with uninst => 1.

The same seems to be true of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, though that’s more complicated since you can’t get that behavior by calling WriteMakeFile( UNINST => 1, … ).

If this doesn’t work it’s a bug in ExtUtils::Install and should be fixed there.

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About Joel Berger

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