Converting Pod to search.cpan style HTML

I've uploaded the first release of App::Pod2CpanHtml to CPAN. The main purpose of this module is to install a pod2cpanhtml executable for converting Pod to search.cpan style HTML.

    pod2cpanhtml > some_module.html

I initially wrote the executable in response to a question on PerlMonks. It is just a very thin wrapper around Pod::Simple::HTML combined with the search.cpan CSS.

I find that I use this utility all the time, for generating HTML docs and for proof reading documentation prior to uploading it to CPAN, so I thought that I may as well make a module out of it.

This also serves as an answer to the frequently asked question "How do I create HTML docs like on CPAN".

The main reason that the module produces HTML output that looks like search.cpan is that it uses the same CSS style sheet. I'm not sure who wrote that but they deserve some praise for achieving a clear, uncluttered and appealing layout.


Thanks for the hint! This sounds interesting. I am using Pod::ProjectDocs right now to do this, but will have a look at your module! Will you add some functionality to create an index-file as well when having many pm's in one or more directories?

The way I deal with reading POD on my development workstation is with Apache2::POD and Firefox bookmark keywords. So for example if I want to read the DBD::Postgres POD, I go to the location bar in Firefox and type:

 pd DBD::Postgres

Where 'pd' is short for 'perldoc'. Firefox translates that into the URL:


And Apache2::POD looks after the POD to HTML translation. I have it configured to use a stylesheet with the same look as

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About John McNamara

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