cpan-prc-2017 Archives

CPAN Pull Request Challenge 2017

I just received a mail from Neil Bowers asking if I would consider having my CPAN distributions be a part of the 2017 CPAN Pull Request Challenge.

My undelayed mental response: Well of course...

I participated in the 2016 Hacktoberfest, I did not contribute much, but I participated and I would have loved to contribute more. These sort of "events" are good, IMHO they bring out the best in open source and they demonstrate the essence of the open source community. In addition they help tie a community together, so when you are like me; a maintainer of CPAN distributions with very little time, every patch and every PR is most welcome.

A CPAN Pull Request Challenge gives you exactly that.

The CPAN Pull Request Challenge 2017 is soon to kick off, which mean YOU have a chance to benefit from this incredible initiative.

If you have received a mail from Neil respond and be take into consideration for possible PR coming your way or you can tag your issues on Github with the label:


In order to add the label you have to do the following (This can possibly also be accomplished via the Github API, but that is beyond this blog post):

  1. Go to you Github repository issues page
  2. Click "Labels"
  3. Click "New label"
  4. Add the label "cpan-prc-2017"

This mean that the label will be present for both issues and PRs.

Please note that labelling issues will not make them go away automagically, but it will be easier for participants to find issues suitable for the challenge, and also lets participants know that you're open to a PR for that issue. Since they can be easily identified using a primitive search:

Ask not what you can do for the CPAN Pull Request Challenge 2017, but what CPAN-PRC-2017 can do for you.

This blog post has primarily been on getting help with your distributions and issues from the challenge - there is of course also the option of participating as a contributor of PRs.

Please read more about CPAN Pull Request Challenge at:

Have fun - looking forward to your PRs,


Cross-posted from last-mover

About jonasbn

user-pic I blog about Perl.