June 2016 Archives

Writing a simple splunk API client.

I needed to do some work with splunk the log and monitoring analytics toolkit. Specifically I needed to combine disparate logs from different systems to solve a problem that had been intefering with our systems for a long time. I had a look around for stuff on the CPAN, but it was either embedded into other bigger things that I didn't want to have to deal with, or did not work for me for maintenance reasons. So I decided to write my own. The library I wrote is available here in draft form.

Now because this was written by me for debugging purposes, I think it shouldn't be a CPAN module - not without a lot of hardening it up - but I wanted to share it anyway, as a handy way of doing API integration.

About kd

user-pic Australian perl hacker. Lead author of the Definitive Guide to Catalyst. Dabbles in javascript, social science and statistical analysis. Seems to have been sucked into the world of cloud and devops.