A ghetto test library.

I've been working on some slightly complicated code with a myriad of bad design decisions over the course of a decade, and a total absence of test suite. I knew I needed some code reusability in my tests but I had no idea of exactly how much without making a quick start. Meanwhile my brain was filled with ancient code from which I was expurgating zombies, and had issues understanding multi-vendor interactions, so I wanted some bare minimum reusability to make engineering failure conditions easier.

So, I was working in a subdirectory of t: t/my_functionality.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict
use Test::More;

use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) ."/lib";
use MyGhettoLib;

ok(everything_fine(), "Everything is fine :)";

Then in t/my_functionality/MyGhettoLib.pm:

package MyGhettoLib;
use warnings;
use strict;

package main;
sub everything_fine {
    return 1;


Yes, shifting to package main is a little bit stupid and a little bit evil. The solution does not scale, but it gives the bare minimum of reusability without having to apply much thought. And a surface for redesign should the need for further abstraction of the test libary arise.

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About kd

user-pic Australian perl hacker. Lead author of the Definitive Guide to Catalyst. Dabbles in javascript, social science and statistical analysis. Seems to have been sucked into the world of cloud and devops.